Happy Happy Halloween!
It is me.... Archie Boo Barchie
Can you believe this is the moon? :)
My dad shot these photos of the Hunter's Moon a couple of weeks ago, and it inspired me!

I asked my mom if she could transform me into the Pug in the Moon!

What do you think?
Do I look like the Orange glowing Pug Moon my dad saw?
Thanks mom!
I have eyes in the back of my giant pug moon head, and I can see you back there smiling momma!
Tee Hee!
Well, I am smiling too because I have a surprise for all of you!
Please tune in tomorrow for your chance to win one of TWO special fiber-filled Giveaways I am having this month just because I am so thankful and happy to have friends like you!
Be Scary and Be Safe tonight!
Archie Boooooo Barchie