It is dog massage.

Over the last year or so, my pawrents have noticed that I seemed a bit stiff and sore when I got up from my naps. In an effort to ease any pain I may be feeling they have consulted my wonderful vet, and have added things to my daily routine to keep me young and flexible.
One of the things they have done is to hire a canine massage therapist that comes to our house once a week to work on any tension in my neck, shoulders and hips. Ingrid is the sweetest lady and I love our visits. I get so excited when she comes that mom has to have a special chew bone ready to keep me occupied during our session or I talk to Ingrid the whole time and we do not get as much work done as we should.
One of the things I really like about this new activity is that Ingrid has shown mom some doggy massage techniques that really help to keep me pain free in between the professional visits.
My mom has always told me that I am an excellent communicator and now every evening I come to her and give her the end I want rubbed. Sometimes it is my neck and shoulders, sometimes it is my back and hips. I just walk right up to her and talk to her until she closes her laptop and begins my massage. She thinks it is fun how I eventually flop over into "bliss land" just like a person and relax for the massage.
Since mom has been doing it, Ingrid has noticed a big difference in the tension I carry between sessions and says mom may be able to take over in between for longer times between her visits.
Besides feeling really good, I think it is a fun way for mom and me to spend quality time together. I usually wake up from "bliss land" about 20 - 30 minutes after she starts, and I let her know I am done by sitting up.
Here I am in "Bliss land" Mom says I was snoring away. HMMM I do not remember that part. :)
OOOOooo! Look mom is here! I think I will have her start with my ears today. :)
The great thing about dog massage is that it is for doggies of any age to help them relax and it also slows their pawrents down a little bit too to enjoy the present moment with us. This is one of the many life lessons my mom says I have taught her. I am a smart puggy!
Until next time...