It is me... Archie!
Here I am with my favorite toy...
"Outside" Monkey
I am not a spoiled pug or anything, but I have 2 of my favorite toy in the world.
He was the very first toy momma bought for me right before they picked me up to come home!
I played with him so much that I ripped his face and now he is the outside monkey and I have another intact one that is the "Inside" Monkey.
Oh my gosh, so many things to keep track of around here, but I am not spoiled or anything. :)

I have a fun weekend planned hanging out in the backyard with "Outside" Monkey and my mom as she works on a new collection of Sweater Vests for us all to enjoy!
I am not supposed to tell what the new collection is ... but I think that my love of moving rocks and that my dad's name is Fred may have inspired her. :)
Tee Hee!
Can you guess what they are going to be?

Uh Oh "Outside" Monkey, I hope we did not give it away!

You want everyone to have lots of fun guessing?
Oh Good!
Please leave me a note with your guesses of the 5 new sweater vests!
We will reveal them to you in just a few days!
How Fun!
Oh lookie what I found for your viewing enjoyment...
Here is a video of how I made the first monkey into "Outside" Monkey and why I magically got a "Inside" Monkey the next day. :)
Archie Poo Pants