Hi everyone!
It is me...
Here I am waiting for the door bell to ring!
Momma invited an old family friend to come and meet me!
His name is Bogart , and he and Angel Emmitt were great friends!
Bogie Wogie would come and stay with us at "Camp Emmitt" when his family went on trips.Today, he is coming over for a play date with me! I cannot wait to meet him!
* Ding Dong *
Ooooo! Bogart is here!

Hi Archie!
My name is Bogart!
It is so nice to meet you!
My mom, Sara has told me all about you!
Let's play Follow the Leader... I am bigger, so I will be the Leader. :)

Let's go this way... to the park where there are puddles to drink from and lots of trees and shade to relax in on this hot Summer day!

Here we are Archie!
Tell me all about your favorite things to do and what you have learned at puppy kindergarten school so far!
I cannot wait to hear all about your adventures!

Wow Archie!
You have been having lots of FUN!

I will sing you a tune that Emmitt and I used to sing together all of the time!

That's a good puppy... rest up and then we will...


That was FUN!

Looks like we both need a rest!

This looks like a nice comfy place!

You are right Bogie Wogie!
I think it is time for a nap!

Thank you for coming to spend the day with me Bogart!
I cannot wait until next time!
Have a super duper day everyone!
Archie Barchie
Over and Out
Oooooh Archie
You and Bogart are having so much fun together, it must be great having a playdate!
Now you are growing up, we hope you have lots of happy times with all kinds of new friends too.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
So nice he is meeting Emmitt s old friends:)
They are so cute together. I love the energy old dogs have as well.
Have a nice day♥
What a fun day you had with Bogart, Archie! We know angel Emmitt is pleased!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Archie, what a fun day!! It's so much fun meeting new furiends :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Always nice to have friends visit! So cute!
Oh what a fun time you and Bogart had, Archie!! Bff!!!!
Sweetness! Listen to Bogart Archikins, he has a lot to teach you :)
Meredith & Scarlet
Its so nice you are meeting Emitts friends. Bogart is adorable--you guys are going to have so much fun together evertime you meet up.
Little ArchieMan, you are growing up so fast! It's is so fortunately you have Unky Bogart to show you the ropes! Howie has been waiting all week to hear how your meet and greet went. Now Howie can rest assured you are in good paws.
love and hugs!
How fun for you to get to meet Bogart!!! We can just see Emmitt smiling down at both of you having such a good time together.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
How nice that you got to meet Bogart! He looks like a good teacher and it sure was nice of him to teach you a song he and Emmitt used to sing!
How fun ... a play date! It looks like you had a perfect day! Pug Hugs, Ellen
Awww that looks like it was great fun!!!! And how special for Archie to meet such a special friend of Emmitt's!
Archibald, buddy.....looks like you an' Bogart had a great time!
Archie how sweet you have a good buddy like Bogart to hang out with now. He will show you the ropes and pass much wisdom to you too!
The Girls
oh my gosh they are so cute together!
I am so happy you had a play date with your friend Bogart! Looks like you had tons of fun!
Your pal, Pip
Hi Archie Poo,
Isn't it just great to meet new friends? And this was a special friend because Bogart was Angel Emmitts best friend.
I know the song you sang together must have been soooo beautiful.
I think I could hear it echo over the mountains to my house.
And your little walkie looked like so much fun too..
Now you can look forward to "sleep overs" with Boggie!
What a special day
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