Happy Wednesday everyone!
I am so excited to show you the new art that my husband, Fred, is learning and creating!
A few months ago, he purchased a basic
SLR camera to learn how to take the kinds of photos he has always wanted to capture.
Since then he has read several books on photography & composition, joined groups on Flickr and taken a variety of workshops.
I just love the images he is capturing! Here are a few he took in our backyard this weekend...
me crocheting :)

a bumble bee in the fountain :)
...and the first breathtaking photo is the sunrise this morning!
All of these shots were taken without editing them in photoshop!
I am so impressed!
I am always using Photoshop Elements to correct my photos that I take with my point and shoot camera. :)
In fact, we just upgraded from Photoshop Elements 4 to Photoshop Elements 8 and I signed up for a 6 week
online class starting in May. Fred is signed up too, so I will show you what we learn!
Do you have any workshops or classes lined up for the Summer?
Please tell us all about them! We would love to hear!
m & e