Happy Friday everyone!
Thank you so much for all of your love and messages.
I wish I had the words to tell you what they mean to me.
They have truly healed my heart.
I am just so lucky to have all of you.
Emmitt was the most special creature...
He was all of ours to love and appreciate.
He was our clown, ambassador, teacher, friend, heart & soul and he brought me all of you.
Fred and I are so lucky that we had him for 14.5 years to love and cherish.
He lived a beautiful life from beginning to end and I am just so proud of him.
I told him the morning we helped him go to heaven how proud I was of him and that he did such a good job!
I told him we had a beautiful ride together, and then I felt him take a deep breath and he said ...
"Thank you Mommy."

Fred took all of these gorgeous photos of me and Emmitt a few hours before Emmitt made his peaceful journey to heaven.
Angel Emmitt and I had so much fun shopping for frames this week and then putting them all over the house. I feel him all around me and he is never far away from any of us.
All we have to do to feel him and everyone else we all know and love in heaven is to smile and feel the best we can in that moment. It does not have to be the best we have ever felt. :)
Just smile and you will hear whoever you are missing.
They are always around us and talking to us. It is up to us whether we tune in to listen to what they are saying. Their frequency is so happy that we just have to let ourselves feel happy and we will feel them right there!
It is magic!

I found a very special urn for Emmitt that I had custom made with his name on it.

I also bought him a beautiful pug sculpture from my friend Beth at Brianna Blue Studio to keep him company in the little Zen Garden I am making for him.
As you can see in the photos above that I have placed several of my pug scuptures all made by Beth around my photos of Emmitt. Her work really embodies his loving spirit. :)

... and this is the photo I placed right in front of my favorite chair where I crochet all of my sweater vests and fun fiber art.
Melanie just gave me the most special gift that now lives on my favorite chair that Emmitt watches over.
I cannot wait to show it to you on Monday morning!
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
You have truly healed my heart with all of your love and kindness.
omg Melissa what a beautiful posty you did today =0] what a lovely photos ... he looked so cute and the urn is just as cute as he was ... i'm so happy you feel happy i know its hard sometime but you can do it and so your hubby ..
Oh Melissa what a wonderful post yet again I am blubbing, your love for your sweet boy just shines out for all the world to hear and see.
When our Molly crossed the bridge I did the same as we have photos of her everywhere and we feel her here as well. They never leave us, they live on in our hearts and the hearts of those whose lives they touched.
Someone and I wish I could rememeber who it was sent me this quote and I loved it so I pass it on to you now.
'If you are true to the love of one you cherished through the many joy-filled years, you may find that a soul - a bit smaller in size than your own - seems to walk with you, at times, during the lonely days to come. And at moments when you least expect anything out of the ordinary to happen, you may feel something brush against your leg - very, very lightly'
Those few words bought me so much comfort and it did not take me long to realise how true they are.
Emmitt touched so many of us here in blogville and he will not be forgotten, we will always remember him and love him just as you will.
With all my love to you and your husband & of course to your darling Emmitt
Momma Tea
xx xx
What a wonderful post, Melissa. Once again, mom is smiling through tears. Emmitt was such a special and well-loved little guy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a beautiful post Melissa!! This made us smile through our tears. As long as we keep a loved one in our hearts they are never truly gone.
We can't wait to see the zen garden.
Cindy, Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
How wonderful to rejoice in his life, which you shared with him. His light will continue to shine. Thanks again for sharing him with us. We are all blessed by the kindness.
Through tears...
Melissa, we know how much Emmitt meant to you and it is so good to see you finding joy in his memory. You have done a lovely and tasteful tribute to your sweet boy. We can see him smiling down on you and singing you a song of thanks.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Melissa - all I can say right now is, I know. :)
I too have a special urn picked out for my three brother dogs i used to call "The Boys". Gipetto is the last of the boys. When he joins his brothers i will put all of their ashes together in this urn, made by a dear friend of mine. Melissa, have you ever read the book "Animal Spirit" by Penelope Smith? It is an incredible book about connecting to your animal friends's spirit after they leave the body. I am re-reading it now for the hundreth time, as i have 2 elderly animal companions who are getting ready to move on in Spirit. Penelope Smith is the major ground breaker in animal communication, and i find her work, especially in this book, to be uplifting and encouraging...Your beautiful home is made more lovely by all of the little altars you have put up in honor of sweet Emmitt...i look forward to your next posts...Love, mare, Zinnie, Polly, Geeps, Honey, RubieDubie, and Stellabella...
Oh, Melissa - that was so good to read! So why am I leaking? You're right - your special bond with Emmitt was incredible. I still think of our beloved Otis who left me in 1997! But now it is all smiles. Silly, I know, but I like to think of all the special guys hanging out together in a warm sun spot, munching on Popeye's and runnning free.
dear melissa~
so beautiful...
my tears right now are making me squeeze my little jocko a little tighter...
god bless,
lori and jocko
What a beautiful post. It makes me think of our cats who passed away a couple of years ago and how much I still miss them - even though I know they are still with me in spirit.
Sending you lots of love and good thoughts.
Kristin & Pip
I so love you. I am so proud of you.
Thank you for showing me again it is perfect to love something with all your heart. The hardest part of that is the fear of the unknown. The how and when things change. But you and Emmitt taught me again that it is always alright - in fact, better than alright, it is always perfect.
You BOTH did a perfect job living and loving together. And who knew 14.5 years ago, one little pug on the driveway of a house in Ft. Lupton, CO would turn into wonderful Emmitt, Pugnotes, this wonderful blog, and all your beautiful friends.
Love you all,
Hi Melissa...
Those pictures are so beautiful...they really do make me smile. You are such an amazing person...I hope when the time comes for Ruby to join Emmitt at the bridge I will be as strong as you have been and continue to be.
Sending lots of love and hugs...and did you feel the virtual nose lick from Ruby?
It gives me such peace to have pictures of my sweet angel Nicki close by - I know she is always by my side but it is nice to see her too. She is in beautiful wood box that sits on the table next to my chair, which is now Scarlet's chair. I like to think Nicki is watching over her.
Thank you for your pictures of the handsome Emmitt.
Love to you!
M & S
I just know that Emmitt helped you pick out that little urn Melissa, it is so quirky and cute like him.
I love all of the bright beautiful picture frames you chose too and
I am so looking forward to seeing Emmitt's zen garden next week.
What wonderful ways you have found to honour him, your positivity is an inspiration to us all.
Love and hugs, Lynne xxx
Here I am crying again. The post and the pictures are beautiful. You are amazing and so was Emmitt.
Love & hugs,
Gina (and Vito too)
I'm crying again, too, but once again I find you to be a wonderful role model. I love the urn and your idea for a garden. I look forward to seeing pictures!
Sue & Pearl & Daisy
Oh Melissa! How I wish I were there to give you a great big hug!! You are awesome! You know, the first time I saw Emmitt singing on the video you had on your site, I knew I was in love!! I am sooo happy to have gotten to know him and you and your family even if we have never met in person! I LOVE you all sooooo much! I want to honor Emmitt by helping his precious pug breed and want to make a contribution to a pug rescue group of your choice. Will you please post or email me so I can donate in Emmitt's name? <3
Hugs to you Melissa. I have shared your blog with so many pug friends, asking them to send happy thoughts. All of us here loved the video of Emmitt and just keep seeing Quincy in his beaming face. We will always wonder if they are in fact related! I will always remember Emmitt singing--my favorite video! Thank you for sharing him with all of us.
I can't wait to see the zen garden and I think the urn is fantastic. Emmitt truly is all around you, everywhere. Were you able to find the Dog Heaven book?
Love to you and Fred, peace be with you. -Julie (quincy, elliot, ruby and forrest)
Melissa, you are so kind to share Emmitt with us, there will never be another pug like him. I hope each memory of him is a constant comfort to you and a reminder of all the happiness he was. Emmitt was such a happy, joyful little pug, he had a beautiful life and he knew it and loved you so much. Now he can watch over you, as you have watched over him for so long...sending so many hugs and sharing your tears with you and Fred.
love always, Nancy, Howie, Annie, Java, and Tiffany
Well, I could hardly get through this post without crying my eyes out. I'm so happy to have known Emmitt - what a wonderful thing the internet is! Thank you for sharing his life with all of us.
your lovely post for beloved angel Emmitt has me in tears..
my 3 kitties were with me for also 14.5 years so my heart goes out to you.. what a special bond you and E shared. our little angels are always near us, and never truly go away :) big <<>> xoxo
Oh Melissa,
I loved this post. I am vacillating somewhere between smiling and celebrating Emmy with you... and then sometimes I am crying with you.
I hope you know how much we all loved Emmitt, and that we walk alongside you as you remember, mourn, and celebrate your sweet boy. He is our angel!
Kelly & Pearly girl
This post is so special and touching..I am crying again too! What a beautiful tribute to Emmitt- he truly touched so many lives. I am so honored to be included in your post. You are such a sweet, dear friend and I am so glad our paths crossed (Thanks to Emmitt!)
Emmitt will live on in our hearts FOREVER:)
All my love,
You truly have the most beautiful outlook on this! Emmitt definitely touched all of our hearts and will continue to do so!!! <3
Emmitt will always be with you. My special boy died almost 10 years ago and I still feel his spirit in my life.
Be well,
what lovely photos, i love the story you tell with each vignette you have made. i believe that you can feel the love from those who have passed before us. i am always surprised by the comforting feel of my father and my sister in law that have passed. i truly feel them.
i can't wait to see what you will share with us on monday.
Melissa, I am struggling through tears to write this post. Emmit was blessed with a beautiful family and his journey on earth will always be remembered. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. You all are loved.
Your strength is amazing and inspirational. Quincy was only with me just shy of two years, but his passing was agonizing for me. Thinking about losing my girls literally makes me sick to my stomach. I hope that I have them for at least 14 years, too. Pugs are such special creatures and move into your heart with such ease. But when they leave, they take a part of your heart with them.
I know they can't stay with us in body forever. I hope to be as strong as you have been and as at peace. You were able to make the hardest decision required of a pet parent and let Emmitt go with dignity and surrounded by calm and love. These pugs that own us sense our feelings so deeply. Having you just be there to love him must have made the transition so peaceful. I hope I am able to show my girls the same.
Melissa, what a beautiful tribute to your sweet Emmitt. I feel your loss everytime I look at the "Emmitt" pillow on my bed--the one you made. Thank you for sharing him; you both made Fridays magical. XOX
You are such an inspiration. I hope I can be half as strong as younwhen the day comes for me to say goodbye to my babies.
The pictures of you and Emmett together on his last day here with you are so precious. Thank you for sharing your strength and sorrow with us. Bless you.
These photos are so sweet Melissa.
Thank you so much for sharing them.
We will continue to celebrate
Emmitt's life with you.
We can't wait to see the beautiful Zen
Garden you are creating for Emmitt.
We think the urn is pretty
amazing. I think Emmitt
would love it.
-Dana & Daisy
Sweet Missy and Fred,
Emmitt was our little clown.
We danced with him and sang with him.
We thank you for sharing your sweet little Emmitt with all of us.
Little Emmy Angel planted a world of love when he entered into you and Freds hearts.
And Emmitt planted a world of love when he entered into our hearts too.
Emmitt brought himself, you, and Fred and all of us together , into that circle of love.
We have watched the little seeds of love that you and Emmitt plant. We watched them blossom.
We watched Emmitt and your love give so unselfishly.
The photos and frames are so beautiful. I cannot tell you how they touch me
The urn is just precious.
When I look at the photo of you and Emmitt holding paws,,, please know I am holding both your paws too.
I feel Emmitt,, he is happy, and as I heard your words.... "All is well and good",,, I am smiling,,, and I feel Emmitt.
He is right here with me and you and all of us,,
forever and ever and ever.
i love you so
twee and georgie
Melissa, you put it all so beautifully and I'm glad that you are so at peace with it. You and Fred and Emmit will all be together again one day at the Rainbow Bridge :) I'm sure my Georgia was at the Bridge waiting to greet him. She always wanted to meet that special pug that inspired all that pug artwork mommy has ;) Take care my friend.
Judy (Briskman) and Lucy
Melissa, these photos are so sweet.
Thank you for sharing them with us.
We will all continue to celebrate Emmitt's life with you.
We can't wait to see the beautiful Zen Garden you are creating for Emmitt.
The urn is pretty amazing too.
I think Emmitt would love it.
-Dana & Daisy
Hi Melissa, I know sweet Emmitt will always be with you, wherever you go. You have lots of great memories and photos, so important.
What a beautiful post, Melissa. Emmitt was so special & I love your pics with him & that wonderful urn. We love you!
xoxo Diane
Emmitt is one in a million! Those pictures are such a great way to remember him.
Jenn Sequoia and Tuni
Melissa, these photos are so sweet.
Thank you for sharing them with us. We will continue to celebrate Emmitt's life with you.
We can't wait to see the beautiful Zen Garden you are creating for Emmitt.
The urn is pretty amazing too.
I think Emmitt would love it.
-Dana & Daisy
This brought tears to my eyes. I am so very sorry for your loss.
Emmitt was (and will always be) clearly loved.
I'm sure he's going to love his zen garden.
Oh Melissa - tears are streaming down my face! The pictures that Fred took of you and Emmitt are beautiful! I'm glad you have such wonderful ways to remember him and keep his spirit alive in your home and heart.
We love you!
~ Jami (& Apollo)
It was all I could do to not to cry when I saw these beautiful photos of you and your dear little man. Still there's a lump in my throat.
{{{{Melissa}}}} {{{{Fred}}}}}
My Wendell was also 14.5 when he crossed the Bridge in October. He is still my love.
So very sorry. They are all so very special. In teddy bear language.
I have no words to express how sorry I am about Emmitt. I've been away too long Not to realize that we've lost dear Emmitt until I just read Tweedles's tribute.
Please forgive me for not being around and Emmitt was a very dear to my heart
warm regards,
I love seeing Emmitt's pictures and the love you all shared together. I'm so happy to know that love with mine that have passed through my life!
So sorry to hear of Emmitt's passing. I am sitting at my desk with tears running down my face looking at his pics and video. I am going home tonight and giving my 2 pugs an extra hug.
what a beautiful post, i reading with my tears.. shame of me, too late to get know Emmitt. Thanks you for sharing, right now i wanna run home and play with my pug &puggle
Sending love your way! I know it's hard losing a pet, especially a pug! Lydia & Emmitt are dancing in heaven together! Emmitt lived a long wonderful life with you and he is blessed to be a part of such a wonderful home.
Just had to revisit the little Angel. I still miss my dear Wendell but have such wonderful dreams about him.
I do have two little girls (sisters) and they are adorable.
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