I cut out everything that I like. It can be pictures, words, colors, rooms, textures - it does not matter. If it catches my eye I know I like it.
Then I glue them into the pages with an intuitive flow of grabbing different clippings and putting them together on the pages with the help of my trusty gluestick. I never think too hard about it, just let it be fun and free. I am always inspired by the pages that unfold. It is also fun to go back and look through all the pages from the beginning.
I find I do that with all of my journals. I will look at each page and enjoy it, get to the end of the entries, close the book and open it all over again. :)
My friend Fannie made me this beautiful journal last year as a surprise.

And here is my moleskin journal. It is the new Japanese Notebook style where the pages fold out into one long accordian display. I am journaling all of my blind doodles here. It is so fun to see them all together. It is a party of funny creatures.

All of my journals are mostly about images, not words, although they do appear in there too at times.
I like having different places to create. Some of my journals are filled with original art, some with photos, some with prints of my paintings, some with my handcarved stamps and some with ideas and goals.
I love creating each one throughout a span of time. I feel it tells more of a story that way instead of rushing through them to get them done. It is a wonderful opportunity for me to be more present and to appreciate this amazing journey we call life. :)
What kind of journals or scrapbooks do you like to create? I would love to see!
Journals are the best! I use Moleskins also.... I have a ton of them! Your blind doodles look terrific in your journal!
I love journals too but yours are the best! And all the handmade books you've made! it's so inspiring and creative. What a lovely keepsake!!
Love your doodle journal! I keep several journals & sketchbooks going at once too. That way I don't get bored. :)
I use moleskins too. But your handmade journals are incredible!
Hi, Melissa. Very nice journals and doodles. Love them all. Looks like you'll be ready for another journal soon. ;-D
I like making handmade journals, and I use moleskines, too. But a favorite is the good old composition book because I like the lines on the pages. When I want to draw in my composition book, I apply a layer or two of gesso first.
Thanks for sharing!
I really like the way all of your doodles look together in the same journal, very nice!
That is so cool seeing all your blind doodles together is fantastic!
Your blind doodles are always so fun!!!
Oh wow, I love all your journals, what a great idea!
I like to scrapbook. I make yearly scrapbooks currently working on 2008. I include pictures of everything we've done throughout the year n such. I also do scrapbooks of each of my pets. I'm going to do Ricky and Herbie's scrapbook together because they're together all the time and love each other so much. I should be starting that one sometime late summer, I'm very excited about it. The scrapbooks cover their first year with us and then any significant event that happens in their life and also captures their personialities. I love them so much - all my scrapbooks.
I don't have a journal...just my scrapbook...and I kind of use it like a journal because a lot of the writing on the pages are a heartfelt commentary on that point in my life. You know?
You have one colorful and happy life Melissa! hugs!
Hi Melissa!!! what a fab journal...I really need to try that....
you have to pop by to see Cole's latest painting!!!
I am inspired Melissa
all those magazine pages that I pull out >>> I will make a journal
I love your pug drawings journal too !
Thanks Melissa
Those are all beautiful journals. How do you ever find the time to do so much creative work? It is a true sign that you love what you do.
The OP Pack
I love these, Melissa. They are so full of energy and happiness, just like you!!
Your journals are so neat, Melissa! You are one of the most creative people we know! You love life and it sure does show!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Great idea to do a journal from fave magazine clippings!
As usual, furry khool!
Your journal looks fantastic, Melissy. I'm especially drawn to your Corgi doodles...LOVE them!
I love both your scrapbooks. Your blind doodles are great.
I love the cutting from magazines journal idea! You are always doing such fun things. And of course your work is always so wonderful.
Hi Melissa,
My moms and I love your scrap books. What fun it must be to look back through them at your journey!
We love the doodle drawings- so happy. I don't have a journal- don't have a scrap book- just several shoe boxes full of pictures, and my mommie saves verses or saying that she likes.
What a nice job you did. Thank you so much for showing what is possible if we just take the time to do it.
What is time?
Hi Melissa,
My moms and I love your scrap books. What fun it must be to look back through them at your journey!
We love the doodle drawings- so happy. I don't have a journal- don't have a scrap book- just several shoe boxes full of pictures, and my mommie saves verses or saying that she likes.
What a nice job you did. Thank you so much for showing what is possible if we just take the time to do it.
What is time?
hi melissa! these journal pages make me giggle! i love the colors and the fun immages...i really LOVE the ears...especially the Moe ears, they make him look like a startled bunny1
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