Happy Friday Everyone!
It is me...
Archie Barchie!
I have a riddle for you today!

What do Pugs and Trees have in common?

We both shed ALL OVER the place! :)

Ha ~ Ha ~ Ha!
Momma has asked me to play outside this morning so she can vacuum up ALL the pug hair and leaves I leave everywhere! :)
While I am out here, I think I will spend some time collecting some rocks!

He sure does taste good! :)
What things do you like to track into the house?
Please leave me a note and tell me all about "the collections" you bring in!
I cannot wait to hear all about them!
We are all artists ya know, and the world is our canvas! :)
Archie Mess-Muss-Pot-a-Pus Langer
Morning Handsome Archikins!
May we say you look very Yoga-like read VERY wise) in your first picture? We can see you have brilliance brewing up in your Puggy brain.
Scarlet likes to brings leaves on her sweater and tushie :)
Meredith & Scarlet
I thought the same thing as Meredith and Scarlet...so very mature you are getting, Archie! I track in leaves and grass too. Have a great weekend!
Bawhahahaha! That's a funny one Archie. I usually track in leaves that get stuck in my fur. Have a great weekend.
Your pal, Pip
Funny. Yes, are all artists and the world is our canvas--nice. Track into the house--probably sea salt and seaweed.
Cute pictures!
My dogs don't shed. But we also have 5 cats and they make up for them :)
Archie you are just too cute!
Hi Archie!
I can't believe you are still collect rocks. What are you going to do with all of them? Maybe you can create an indoor zen garden.
I like to collect feathers. I find them in the yard but instead of bringing them in myself, I get Momma to do it. I also found a butterfly while I was hiking a couple of weeks ago. And of course I like to collect pine cones. I guess I have quite a collection!
Haaaaaa! Good one, bud!
I track in leaves, grass, mud....you name it.
PEE S: My mom thinks you have a "smart" look. Harrumph....she's never said that 'bout ME!
Hi Archie
I came to say hi. I am so happy there are photos of you for me to look at! They make me so happy.
I know your an artist Archie, and that is why you bring things into your house. You are painting a picture and it's called "Archie's Life" is a collection of this and that.
I collect leaves Arhie and mud.
I love the photo of you kissing your dad.
Ha ha ha ha we love the joke Archie!!
the girls
Hi Archie! The main thing the pack has been tracking into the house for the last few weeks is MUD. Mom is NOT happy about this...But, what can you do???
ARCHIE! We love your cute pics!!! You are so sweet giving your dad kisses (since mom kicked you out of the house...RUUUUDE!)
I tracked in something AWESOME the other day....a SQUISHED TURD! It was really warm here the other day and I must have STEPPED in a land mine outside that no one bothered to pick up....it got all stuck and squished in my paw and so I came in and scraped it off on the nice nubby (white berber) carpet. Mom was all yelly....but whatever. That's what they make that Resolve crap for...right?
Hi Archie,
You really are soooo handsome! Well, I never stay outside long enough to track anything in...I have a rather unusual past history, but I "do" shed, and yes, its all over my Gladdy Paddies.
Wish you lived closer!
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