It is me...

I have a question for all of you...
Do you think your pawrents are beginning to look like you?
My momma looked at me in the Jelly Beans Sweater Vest she just made for me and her eyes twinkled, she ran upstairs, ran back downstairs and was wearing her very own Jelly Beans Sweater that she made a couple of years ago!
I could not believe it!

I am not sure how I feel about this!

Do we look silly?

or cute?

I know I am cute, but she may look silly! :)

Either way, we sure are having fun over here! :)
What fun things do you have planned this weekend?
Please leave us a note and let us know!
Oh! ... and don't forget! :)
If your part of the world is on daylight savings, it changes again this Saturday Night.
Set your clocks back 1 hour and on Sunday you will get that extra hour to get more fun things squeezed into your day!
You and your mom are the most adorable twinsies, Archie!
Our mom will have those clocks set back 1 hour on Saturday morning! She's alway ahead of schedule on the DST thing!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Matching sweaters...what a great idea! We are going to be lazy this weekend and enjoy the extra hour of sleep. I hope you guys have a great weekend.
Wow how wonderful you both look in matching outfits!
Tomorrow I will fly home after spending a few days with Robin in SF! It was fun! But we have still one day to enjoy!
Enjoy your weekend!
<3 M
Archie you two look adorables!!!
I would say you two are adorable. Very adorable. As for looking like each other, well....
Mom said that mothers often dress their children in the same colors they are wearing so people will know they are related
Hi Archie
I do think you and your mom are twinsies!
Your both smiling and happy!
Your sweaters match, and your both having fun!
I'd say your both cute!
I have not decided what to do with my extra hour yet... maybe another nap!
You are both so adorable in your matching sweaters!!
We get to go to pug meetup today!! We can't wait!!!
Have a pugtastic weekend :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
OMG Archie! We had to look extra close to figure out which one of you was which because you're both so cute in your matching sweaters!!!!
Extra hour of the day means extra SNACKS!!!!! MMMM!
Hi Archie!
You and your mommy look very sweet with your matching sweaters! My mommy is trying to push her knitting skills and wants to make me a hat & sweater. It can't find a hat pattern she likes for me, she isn't good enough yet to just make one up.
This weekend we are going to relax and mom will knit a lot, she has a lot of projects to do and wreaths to make for people.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
Murphie Jo
Adorable sweaters-I love the candy collection
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