Oh my Goodness!
Happy Day After Thanksgiving everyone!
Now I know why they call today Black Friday!
It is because until I burp, I can only open my eyes this much! :)
I do not feeeeeel so good!
My tummy is still FULL!
I did a little too much of this yesterday...

But it was worth it! :)
Food comas can be very relaxing!
I think I will go and find my momma and sleep by her feet while she crochets sweater vest and Barkclava orders today!
I actually feel much better but extra sympathy cuddles work for me!
Tee Hee!
What do you have planned today?
Are you braving the shopping crowds for some great deals?
Please leave us a note and tell us all about your Turkey Day and weekend!
We cannot wait to hear all about it!
Archie *Burp* Ahhhhh ~ Barchie
That's just how we feel, Archie - too full from the yummiest ever Thanksgiving day! No way would our mom ever brave those Black Friday crowds - not in a million years!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Ooooh Archie we know how you feel, this is the start of the holiday season so you should be yum yumming it up for the next few months
I plan on napping all day with a few breaks for leftovers. My parents are going to brave the crowds for a few hours to look for a new couch.
Your pal, Pip
We are staying in today and doing a bit of on-line shopping and preparing for another big feast tomorrow.
And we're helping prepare the big feast Payton mentioned!
: )
I'm still eating birthday turkey loaf and Ollie just finished pigging out on what looked like birdie couscous, beans and muffin with a strawberry and apple slice for dessert! Wowweee are full too!
moe and ollie
Sadly we don't have a turkey day Archie so I don't get to enjoy/struggle through what you're feeling right now. But my human says thank you for the reminder to get going with her crochet again.
oH Archie
I hope you burp real soon and feel better!
No way did anyone in this house go black friday shopping. No way!
Archibald, buddy....I feel yer pain. Urrrrrrrp.
So...um.....do ya need any help with the leftovers? LMK, bud.
Hope by this time you can open your eyes again and the turkey is digested :)
Have a nice Sunday♥
Ugh, I know how you feel...but Gladys after her incident with pancreatitis with her "other" owners, must maintain her diet, so no "extras" for her.
As always Archie, you are soooo handsome, hangover or not!
Linda and Gladys
Haha, we hope you weren't sick on the rug!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
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