Hi everyone!
Happy Friday!
It is me...
Archie Barchie!
Phew! What a FUN time I had with my momma filling order for everyone to enjoy!
All of the bows are tied, cookies baked and packages sent. :)
Now I can wait for Santa to arrive!
I think I will wait here on my favorite chair for him!

Well, maybe I will rest my eyes just a little bit so they look all refreshed and bright for him.

Archie and I are wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a wonderful weekend for everyone!
m & a
Oh Archie, why does that always happen!
Wishing you a very Happy Holiday too, whichever one you choose.
Love you lots, Dip Bridge, Elliot and Lynne x
Lots and lots of love to you! Merry Christmas!
OM Shanti Shanti Shanti
Peace to all!
Meredith & Scarlet
Archie - don't rest your eyes for too long or you might miss Santa!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Oh sweet, precious Archie Barchie!! I hope Santa Paws leaves lots of treats and toys under the tree for you!! You have been a good boy and bring so much love to your mommy and daddy - Merry Christmas to all of you!!!!!
Archibald, buddy....it's yer first Christmas!
I know you been good all year, so Santy better duhliver I tell ya what!
Enjoy, little buddy!
Santa couldn't resist that beautiful pile of fur laying on that chair, that's for sure!
That face...irresistable!
Merry Christmas Archie and sweet puggie dreams.
Happy first Christmas and New Years litlle Archie! Yyou have got the holidays down perfectly. Thanks for bringing so much joy to everyone.
Happy first Christmas and New Years litlle Archie! Yyou have got the holidays down perfectly. Thanks for bringing so much joy to everyone.
Christmas morning is awesome, Archie! You are going to have a great day! Merry Christmas!!
Wishing you a blessed Christmas with your family by your side, and a wonderful New Year.
Love, Dozer and Cooper Edwards
in Oregon
I know Santa will bring you lots of good things, Archie, because you've been such a good boy this year. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
I know Santy Paws is going to be good to you, Archie, because you've been such a good boy this year xoxo
Merry Pugmas!
Archie, don't rest too much - you need to be tired tomorrow night whe Santa Paws comes. we just know he is going to fill your stocking with lots of goodies. Happy holidays to you and your family from all of us.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Merry Christmas, Archie! We hope Santa brings you everything on your wish list!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
It's probably a good idea to sleep while waiting for Santa. We hear that's when comes to our houses! While we're sleeping? Can you imagine if anyone else came to your house while you were all sleeping? We guess it would be okay if they presents...
Merry Christmas!
Pearl & Daisy
Awww Sweet little Archie, close your eyes and soon enough, Santa will have been there! Everyone here is very excited for Christmas to come, especially our new kitten Lucy, who doesn't know much about Christmas and Santa-yet! But she sure does like our little Christmas tree! ;) Merry Christmas to You, Your Mom and Dad and all your Loved Ones!
Merry Christmas Archie and Melissa!
Daisy, Bruce and I hope it's a great one!
-Dana, Daisy & Bruce
Archie you look so sweet and soft! You must have the softest fur. Sleep tight!
The Girls
Hi Archie Barchie
Oh I am so excited for you! Your very first Christmas! I know you have been a very good boy and such a help to your mom and dad!
Santa will come soon, and will be so surprised to meet you for the first time. I know he will leave you some special gifts in your stocking. I cannot wait to see.
You know what Achie? I was looking at your beautiful face, and the markings on your forehead look to me like 2 trees growing big and strong. Your markings are so beautiful.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah to you and all your friends.
Bet when you wake up something delicious will be there brought by Santa!
Merry Christmas Archie and hugs to you and your Mom♥
Happy Holidays, Melissa! Archie is getting so big & OMG...what a little angel he is! He's positively adorable. Hope 2012 holds the very best for you & yours. xoxo Diane
Merry Christmas Melissa, and a big kiss on Archie's nose!
I wish you both a WONDERFUL 2012.
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