Happy Friday everyone!It is me...
Please excuse me if I blow crumbs out of my mouth while I talk today!
I am on my lunch break from helping my momma fill
PugNotes.com and
Etsy Shop orders!
We are having so much FUN together!
I do not want to miss out so I am taking a working lunch today!

nom nom nom!

Burp, Slup, Chomp!
Done in record time! :)

Ok... where did she go?
Oh my goodness!
We will be here filling happily orders this weekend. :)
What are you all up to?
Please leave me a note and let me know!
I cannot wait to hear all about it!
Archie Barchie
Chief Pug Notes Pug Elf
Hope you don't get indegestion from your working lunch Archie.
Are you in the packing department or a snoopervisor?
Mum is busy crocheting and knitting too, we are way too lazy to help though!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot x
We know your mom depends on your help, Archie. That's so sweet of you to take a working lunch!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
EEEEEEEEE ARCHIE!!!! Those TEEFS!!! Tell mom that working lunches are a violation of Puggy Labor Laws! You should demand at LEAST 2 minutes to nom down your foodables and THEN a 2 hour nap, THEN a snack, another snooze in the sun and THEN you can help her pack ONE box....that should take you to dinner time.
Good luck.
Union rep for LazyPugs Local 945
Archikins, it so good of you to help but be sure to follow Salinger's directions. That is very pragmatic advice. We don't want you getting worn out.
And don't forget to give your Momma lots of kisses to reward her hard work too!
Meredith & Scarlet
Wow! You look so fierce with your puggie underbite.
Sounds like you have a busy weekend. We might be playing in the snow if we ever get any. And if not, we'll lie on the couch dreaming of Santa.
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Don't work too hard now Archie!!!!
Hi Archie,
Make sure you mom gives you lots of extra treat breaks for helping her! I'm going to try and help my mom the the presents...but I'm not sure we're on the same page...she keeps trying to wrap them and I keep trying to open them! Oh, well.
What a devoted assistant! Keep up the good work, Archie!
Goodness Archie! We can't believe how big you are getting!!
We have a feeling that your momma is gonna give you some extra good treats for all that helping that you do :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
She sure is keeping you busy Archie! What would she do without your help?!
Arch, buddy! No worries; I'll help ya clean up them crumbs!
Sounds like yer busier than a one-armed paper hanger I tell ya what.
Hi Archie
Seeing you with a mouth full of food is the perfect way to see you- crumbs and all!
My mom says, according to the photos on your blog, you are growing to be a good, sturdy pug! Keep eating!
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