It is me...
Archie Barchie!
Looky what I found...
A little piece of FOAM Core Board!

and seemingly indestructible!

I had better work harder at this before my pawrents find me!
I must destroy the evidence!

Oh boy!
I think this could take all day!
Would you like to come over and help me?
I need one team of playful doggies to distract to hoomans while the other pack of problem solvers helps me destroy the square.
Pick whatever team you would like and come on over!
Pizza Party for everyone after the evidence is handled! :)
Thank Yew in advance fur yur help!
* (Secret radio code name given to me by Howie Pee) *
My goodness Archie is so handsome. This was a fun blog to read.
At first, we thought you were eating soap, Archie! We're not Puggies but we'll help you out anyway that we can and we'll be stayin' for that pizza pawty! yumm
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Archie - I am pretty good at destroying stuff (at least mom says so). I am on my way!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Hope you and your merry band of pugs manage to outwit those pesky hoomans!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
R-chee... Gladys here...the only thing I am really good at is sleeping, so perhaps I could lay on it until the coast is clear and then we could put it in the trash can...another activity I am terrific at!
Send my slice of pie FedEx overnight, OK?
Oh cute cute cute!!!!
You have to get real chewies Archie!!!
Have fun when the reinforcement comes:)
Ok, Sluggo will help with the destruction, and of course me and Britte will distract with our beauty!
hey archie - just slip it under the rug for later :) Moe Moe
Hey Archie -Want to hear something funny? I think we have that same rug or at least one that looks very similar.
Your pal, Pip
Party at Archie's! YEAH!! See you soon!
Just exactly how digestible is foam core board? And does your mother know what you are doing? We think not!! LOL!
Love, Dozer and Cooper
RChee, this here is How Wee (we are using our special codenames, k?) - I will be right over for the peetza party. Yew jest keep on working on that foam board stuff. I'll make sure your peetza don't get cold. I'll be in charge of the PEETZA EATIN TEAM.
your good pal,
Archie is just so adorable and maturing into a very handsome young man.
Archie, you are so cute! You remind us of our cousin Koal, she is very cute and a little bit mischievous.
You ARE a cutie, Archie. Hope you and the MOm and Dad have a good weekend and we also hope the bad weather didn't affect you too badly.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
R-Chee it's Tu-nee...I'm good at distracting hoomans I will be right there!
Hey RChee, it's J-Knee PeeGurl. I'll help ya destroy that chewy foam thingy. My mom says I'm good at chewing up things. She is especially impressed with my ability to kill all the squeakers on my toyz. Speakin' of toyz, now that I think 'bout it mine are all mom keeps tellin' me they need to be sewn/fixed/tossed cuz they are full of holes. Oh, and I think they added "PeeGurl" to my name today -- something about 'peeing' on my mom's bed. I got every layer too! Not bad for a beginner, hey?
Anyways, put me on the chewing team please.
10-4 good buddy, over and out
J-Knee PeeGurl
Archibald, buddy! Fer a second there, I thought ya got some o' them Lindsay Lohan veneers AnnieBee was talkin' about!
PEE S: I'll be on the "distractin'" team.
Hi Archie
I like to sneak stuff and then go chew,, chew,, chew!
Rats! We missed the pawty! Hope that foam board was tasty R-chee!
Meredith & Scarlet
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