It is me...
I am so excited to show you my new toy!
He is a Fugly and is handmade with love and care by very talented artist on Etsy.
Her shop is filled with her Fuglys of all shapes & sizes.
My Auntie Melanie got me this one for my birthday and I am very attached to him!

How fun is that?!
What FUN things do you have planned for the weekend?
I bet a bunch of you are planning on watching the Super Bowl!
What is on your game day menu?
Please leave me a note and let me know.
I cannot wait to hear all about it!
R-Chee & Fugly
That's a pawsome toy!
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
Haha, that is a hilarious toy, we love the face AND you can play with it, hooray!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
So glad you love your little Fugly Archie!!!! You two have fun today and enjoy all the new snow that is falling!
We love your fugly too!!!
We'll be working on our taxes during the big game, but we'd rather be playing with your new toy.
Meredith & Scarlet
Oh Archie, I love your fugly! I can sure tell how much he means to you.
Your pal, Pip
That looks like a great toy ... have fun with it! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty
Hi Archie! Your Fugly sure is cute! I have to laugh though because a friend of mine has a dog whose name is Fugly! I've heard there's a big football game this weekend, but don't know that I'll be watching it. But I did get myself some shrimpies to enjoy this weekend! Enjoy playing with your toy, Archie, and have a great weekend!!
Good thing you have a new toy because it looks like you may be snowed in for a while!
Stay warm and safe! Our family in Nebraska is getting it tonight and tomorrow.
I love that toy, it is so cute!
Hi R-Chee!
I love that new little fugly. It has one eye opened and one eye closed and is mighty cute.
But you are the cutest of all- playing with it and holding it in your paws! You have little monkey paws!
Your wrinkles are so pretty today! You must have done lots of thinking today as you played with your fugly.
I got a bath today- so I guess tomorrow- I will go get dirty- and moms to the town to take care of taxes. I need some fun.
That little fugly is one cute toy, the video cracked me up. Archie is cuter then a button.
We are especially looking forward to the superbowl this year, routing for the NY Giants. We always have sub sandwiches, cream soda and all the ice cream we can eat. : )
Enjoy your superbowl day Melissa and Archie.
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