Hi everyone!
It is me...
I have a super FUN photo to share with you today!
It is from our new friends Alicia and Sydney all the way from Australia!

Isn't he a cutie patootie?
We cannot stop smiling!
He is now on our Customer Photo Gallery for everyone to enjoy!
Thank you so much for always sharing your photos with us!
Thank you so much for always sharing your photos with us!
We would love to hear from you anytime and showcase your photos too!
R-Chee & Melissa
Sydney is adorable and he looks like a King on top of his new bed!
I love the rug you're sitting on, Archie! It's a fun rug!
Love ya lots,
So cute! We love browsing through your photo gallery.
Togo, Tagar & Gamby
Those black puggies are really cute.
Sydney is having a very relaxing time on his gorgeous new bed!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Adorable!!! Put a "shrimp on the barby" for us, mate! So cute, and thanks for sharing!
O.M.P. Sidney is just a cute little muffin! and what a lucky puggy :)
Meredith & Scarlet
WooHooo We want thank Sydney because mom just brought us 4 beds for us. YEAAAA
mochi, macho, marshmallow
Oh happy happy.. a new face added to the gallery! Sydney is adorable sitting on his very own big puggy wuggy bed made by Auntie Melissy!
What a cutie he is!
Holy cow that Sydney pug is freaking adorable-ness. And that dog bed looks wonderful for tearing open. I think I shall make Mom order me one that looks just like me (and not like Vinny) just to see if I could rip it open.
Again, off to read more!
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