Photo courtesy of Kristin M., CA
Happy Tuesday everyone!
We love receiving photos from all of you!
Our Sweater Vests fit all dog breed that are about 38lbs and under.
Our Woofie Warmer neck warmers fit dog breeds of all sizes
Our Barkclava Dog Hats fit small breeds that do not mind not having their ears pop through the hats. :)
R-Chee and I wanted to share these fun photos we just received of all sorts of doggies enjoying their sweater vests...
Bean & Booger
Photo courtesy of Debi S., SC

Pugs & Brussels!

Archie & I had so much FUN making their Sweater Vests!
Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful photos with us!
Please let me know if you would like me to make you a Woofie Warmer, Barkclava Dog Hat or Sweater Vest too.
You can see all the possibilities anytime in :
The Sweater Vest Gallery at
The Woofie Warmer Gallery at
and The Barkclava Gallery at
I am happy to make any color combos you would like and set up a special listing for you in my Etsy Shop.
Melissa & R-Chee
Aren't they all adorable!
They all look so different and yet so fantastic, it just shows, that your sweater vests look good on everydog!
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Bobbles, bobbles everywhere!!
I always love seeing your customers in their pawsome sweaters!
Holy Sweater Vest Batman! Look at all of the cutie patooties!
Scarlet & Meredith
OMGoodness Archie, you really DO have alot of friends in your sweater club...Everyone looks so handsome and cute and w-a-r-m!
We love seeing the pics!
We really love Peanut's sweater whether it be "on" him or "off"...either way it is a work of art!
Oh gosh
more smiles to make our hearts happy!
All those frenchies look so proud and happy wearing their sweater vests all the colors of the rainbow!
And Bean and Booger- the sweater colors are just perfect for their beautiful fur!
Little Brussels and Pugs-oh they are so cute and look so happy!
what cuties! That picture is wonderful! Well they all are :)
NOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't let my Mom see the Frenchies!!!!!!!!!
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