Friday, January 06, 2012

Friday Funnies ~ Archie vs The Snowman!

Happy Friday everyone!

Grab your sleds and shovels because I need some backup right away!

I have been invaded by the snowman army!

I tried to sneak up on the fierce one...

... but the short one start clapping his metal hands and sounded the alarms!

My momma tried to tell me they just wanted to be my friends ...

... but she does not speak snowman!

I need help!

They are planning a snowball fight!

Grab yewr mittens and slingshots and come on over!

It is time to do BATTLE!

and then have pizza of course! :)

We are eating at 5:00 sharp so place yewr orders now!


R-Chee Barchie



tubby3pug said...

Ooooh Archie we would love to have a snow ball fight with you==Those snow man are awful cute!

By the way we LOVE our sweater vests and will send your mom some pictures soon

BriannaBlueStudio said...

Archie is such a cute snow puggy! It's been collld here the last couple days, and Bailey is making good use of her adorable sweater vest:)

Warm Pug Hugs,

Beth, Bailey and girls<3

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Maybe the snowmen would like some pizza with snowballs on top!!!

Meredith & Scarlet

The Daily Pip said...

I am pretty sure you can take that little snowman. He doesn't look so tough to me.

Your pal, Pip

Payton said...

Archie, I will do what I can to get there on the double! But maybe I'll just stay inside to look after the pizza. Oh, and hot chocolate would be good too!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Did you say pizza?! We are on our way!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Elli

Duke said...

Oh no! We're running late, Archie! Did we miss pizza?

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

LindyLou4U said...

Archie, Gladys says: "Get the shovel...the battle will def be yours!"
We love to see your snow...we have none here, but yours is beautiful!
Linda and Gladys

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi R cheee
Do you have any pizza left? Sorry I am late! I love your snowmans! They look friendly to me. Maybe you can learn to speak snowman someday- I bet you can!
Warm the pizza- I am on my way!

Opaka said...

Pizza? I'm so there if it's not too late!

marianne said...

Brrr so cold over there....... why aren't you wearing a vest Archie???
Lovely pictures and that last one would have been a cute Christmas card!
Have a wonderful week♥