It is me...
Look what I found!
Look what I found!

A yummy stick with rounded edges!
My momma has hundreds of these "craft sticks" to mix and make things with.
My dad said they are tongue depressers, not chew toys.
Hmmmf! :o
Now I know why he called them tongue depressers...
I'm depressed!
Well enough of that!
I'm off to the backyard to find some mulch to chew on. :)
Tee Hee!
What fun things are you doing this weekend?
Please leave me a note and let me know!
I cannot wait to hear all about it!
Hope you find some other interesting items to play with Archie.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Hi Archie & Melissa. The fun thing we are doing this weekend is to have our son Zach swim the 500 meters and time him so he could get his final grade in aquatics.
Archikins, we don't believe for one little puggy second that you're depressed!
Hope you're weekend is great! We plan on lots of snuggling during the big snow they have predicted :)
Scarlet & Meredith
I hope you found a suitable substitute for the stick, Archie. We don't have any plans this weekend. All couped up in the cold with no adventures. Ok, now I'm depressed...
R-Chee that stick looks so fun and tasty! Maybe you can find a good twig in the backyard to replace it!
Happy Friday
The Girls
Oh are getting to be such a big boy! Those look like very yummy treats too. I am going to try & do a little bit of artwork this weekend & I hope you & your family have a wonderful weekend! xo Diane
Hey Archie,
That stick looks like lots of fun! Lots of snow for us this weekend.
Your pal, Pip
Those humans are always such spoil sports, aren't they, Archie? But maybe your Dad is right this time. A stick from the yard might be better:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Mitch swipes sticks all the time in the workshop. They're headed for the fireplace to be burned but Mitch thinks that dad puts them there for his entertainment! Wood is good, Archie!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We Love you Archie! Have a fun weekend! Love the Robinson pack
I am always finding things to chew on tooo- things that are always taken away from me- and its just not fair! So I understand 1 million percent how you feel. But I bet you can go out your doggy door and find a nice tree root to pull on- just be very carefuls!
Archie- every time I see you- your just more and more handsome
Don't your parents know that everything you find is yours to chew on? Sheesh! Please fill them in on this if they are unaware.
I have no real plans for the weekend other than to avoid the snow!
you are so cute archie! one more week of being sub-one years old! imagine how smart you will be next Sunday!
You are too cute Archie!!!
Not allowed to chew on that....while it seems to be made for it :)
Hope you found something else Archie!
My weekend was all about clearing and trowing away things.
Now the sun is out and I will do some painting
Have a wonderful Sunday♥
I know what you mean about not being allowed to chew on things Archie, our humans are always taking things away. Hope you enjoyed the mulch though!
Archibald, buddy......don't be depressed, pal. Chew the HAIL outta that tongue thingy!
The most excitin' thing I did this weekend was order one o' yer mom's sweaters!
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