It is me... Archie Barchie!
Thank you so much for all of my 1st birthday wishes!
Yay! I am no longer sub-one!
I am a full number! :)
However, I am afraid, I may have celebrated a little too much as I am so sleeeepy!
This is me at work today!
Look how FUN...
My momma loves my gladdy tatty so much that she got a mini one to match mine for the office!

Here I am demonstrating that the Gladdy Paddy and Tattys are so comfy that you can sleep on them & under them!
They help her like I help my momma at work. :)
Tee Hee!
What do you have planned for today?
Please leave me a note and let me know!
Have a super duper day everyone!
That doesn't look like the most comfortable of positions, with your head twisted around that wheel - still as our mother often says, how can they SLEEP in that position!
We dogs can sleep anywhere in any position, bol.
Dip Bridge and Elliot x
Awww Archie...that look like you don't feel so good...BUT a good nap under a Gladdy can cure a few and dream of snow fields, sunshine, and playing with your'll be up and at 'em in no time!
Hugs to you, my cute little puggie bud!
Oh Arickins, you're making us very sleepy! We'd love to cuddle up to you. And that is an excellent demo of the gladdy tattys, may be you should get a paid endorsement...
Meredith & Scarlet
Napping sounds good, but the sun is shining with mild temps so we are going to walk in the afternoon!
I just love your gladdy taddy, Archie. It looks so comfy to sleep on.
I helped mom and dad make chicken cutlets in the workshop today!
Love ya lots,
We missed your birthday....oh no. Happy belated birthday and wow it does look like you party hard! Now nap harder cutie pie.
The Girls
Archie, I am so sorry I missed the big day! I remember when you came to your mommy and daddy! They were soooo happy! And I know they are even more happy now that you're a big boy! I'm glad you partied hard!
Oh Archie
I know you just partied soooo much, but it was fun wasn't it?
I love that Gladdy Patty Tatties too!
Such fun colors!
Hey, Arch.....tell yer ma I got my sweater tuhday! WOOT! Fits great an' it matches my PBR can!
Thanks a mil, Melissa honey!
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