I am making my FUN projects list I want to make this year and found some super tutorials already that I want to share with you.
My friend Lynne makes the most wonderful Felties and wrote this fabuolus tutorial on how she made the heart feltie above. I cannot wait to make mine!

Red Heart Yarns just came out with new free patterns and sent this one in their last newsletter!
Ollie The Owl is at the top of my list of must do's this year!

These DIY fabric drawer liners are so pretty that I cannot wait to make my first set!
I have lots of fabric in my stash that will make the inside of my drawers look nicer than the actual furniture.
I will have to keep the drawers open to enjoy them!

... and these fabric flowers remind me of something Melanie and I made as little girls at Summer camp.
I smiled from ear to ear when I saw them on FaveCrafts.
I know when I smile from ear to ear that it is definitely something that I have to make! :)
I will show my finished projects to you as soon as they are done.
Please let me know if you make them too.
I would love to see and share them with everyone!
What FUN things do you have on your "2012 To Do list"?
Please leave me a note and let me know!
I cannot wait to hear all about them and hopefully get to do them with you too!
m & a
I must, must, must finish my granddaughter's afghan! Because I wasn't crocheting carefully, it was rounded instead of squared so I am making a round afghan inspired by the one Melanie made last year!! I would really love to make the heart project - how creative! - as little gifts and will send you a picture if/when I do. I am also working on a Baptismal blanket for my parish's Fiber Arts Ministry! The pattern is the Itsy Bitsy Spider Web - lots of counting!!
Thanks for sharing these great ideas, Melissa!!
Hi Melissa!
Thank you for including my heart tutorial on your list of craft projects.
If anyone makes one, I would love them to email me a picture.
Hugs, Lynne x
We have more fun vacations planned for 2012!
My 'to do' list in 2012 includes spending more time with friends, doing some hiking, and making more meals from scratch! Have a great 2012 - I can't wait to see what adventures you and Archie have this year!!
Our mom just loves that felted heart! It's so beautiful!
Mom is making a baby sweater as a gift for her friend. shhhhhhhhh, it's a secret!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh gosh, we love that fabric flower!
Your pal, Pip
Hi Missy
All the projects look like so much fun. I think it would be fun to make the little flower- like the ones you and Melly made at summer camp.
its fun to hear about everyones projects for 2012!
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