Happy Friday everyone!
I am having a grand afternoon picnicing on my Gladdy Tatty!
Doesn't my raspberry cheeeesecake look deeeelicious?
Doesn't my raspberry cheeeesecake look deeeelicious?
I cannot wait to eat the whole thing!
* Snuffle, Snuffle, Snort, Snort *
What was that?
Uh OH! Did You hear something?
* Music from JAWS begins...*
* Music from JAWS begins...*

A Giant PUG!
Oh this cannot be good!

Scram ...
ummm... Go Away!

My name is R-Chee!
Today is my 1st Birthday!
I was told there is a party set up here on my Gladdy Tatty!
Momma told me she made me a CHEW TOY and a cheesy treat to celebrate!
There is my treat... so YOU must be my CHEW TOY!

* Help me *
Happy Happy Birthday
We love you with all of hearts and are sooooo lucky to have you!
Thank you everyone for celebrating Archie with us today!
oh my dog 1 already? times fly and you don't even noticed ... Happy Barkday sweet Archie-poo-tamus hope you have a wonderful exciting day full of yummy treats and new toys :)
One year!!!!????? How time flies!
You just let yourself be spoiled rotten today :)
Many hugs and love and Happy Birthday♥♥♥♥♥♥
Happy Happy Birthday little R-Chee!!
We hope you have a wonderful day! Enjoy your cheesecake and playing with your uncooperative chew toy, BOL!!
We love you very, very much little pal.
Kisses, Dippy, Bridge, Elliot and Auntie Lynne xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Happy 1st birthday, Archie! Enjoy your raspberry cheeeeeesecake!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Happy, Happy 1st Birthday Archie!! We can't believe you are a whole year old already!!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda, Brutus & Ellie
Happy Birthday, Archie Barchie - we can't believe you are one already!!! Your Mom made you a great new toy, and yummers on that cake you have there. Enjoy your special day.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
Happy 1st Birthday Archie!!! Hope your day is pawsome!!! Love Zoe, Peyton, Webster & Liberty
Happy birthday Archie!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! Wow...I can hardly believe you are a year old!!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby & Speedy
R-Chee-kins, it seems like just yesterday that you bounded into our lives with all of your cuteness and light. We're sending you wishes of love and health for the year ahead.
Scarlet & Meredith
What a wonderful post! Happy Birthday, Archie, and thanks for sharing your first year with us.
Chloe & sissies
Happy birthday, sweet Archie! Lub ur slug too xoxo
Oh Archieeee!
How is it POSSIBLE that you are already one?! You are the sweetest 1 year old ever!
I hope you have the best day, sweet boy!
Pearly Poo
Happy 1st birthday Archie! WESA LUVS YOU!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Happy 1st birthday, R-Chee! Time is really flying because it seems like just yesterday that both of us arrived at our forever homes.
I hope you have a magical day celebrating your special day. And I hope you get lots of treats and kisses!
Happy Birthday Archie!!! I can't believe it has been a whole year. Hope you have a wonderful day filled with lots of love, treats, and toys.
Your pal, Pip
Archie, turning "1"...Oh Happy Day. It appears that your little party is all set up and we are sad that we cannot be there in person to share in the fun...everything looks so festive and inviting! You are one handsome, happy, and peppy pug! We are happy to know you! Eat your goodies, play with your toys and enjoy your day!!! Can you hear us singing over here in PA???
Linda, Gladys, Peanut, and Ike
Happy Birthday Archie!!! We are so excited to have been a part of your first year. I can't believe it's been a year already. You're growing up so fast!! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!
Wow! I can't believe you are already one year old. Happy Birthday!
Archibald, buddy!!!
Happee happee birfday I tell ya what! Wishin' you many MANY more, bud!
Pee S: I almost feel sorry fer that Simon fella. HA!
One year already? How did that happen?! Your mom sure knows how to treat a pug with a cute stuffie and a yummy snack.
We love you Archie! Happy Birthday!
Pearl & Daisy
Archie, Happy Birthday!!! Boy the time has flown right by, hasn't it? You found a forever home, learned to do so many things, started going on adventures, and grew up so big! And now you get to celebrate one year of you! Your slug looks like great fun to play with and that cheese treat looks yummy!! Hope you have a fantastic 1st birthday!!!
Happy 1st Birthday, Archie!
Happy Happy Birthday Archie!!!!
Wow!!! We can't believe it has been a year!!!OmP! you are such a cutie!!
Hope you day is filled beside Cheescake and a Sluggy, you get some McCheesy Burgers and Pupcake!!!
Muchas Felcidades ARchie Guapo!!!
Hugs and Bechos
Spongy, Licky & Hi5 from Patrick
Happy times GOOGLE Happy birthday Archie.
Love Noodles
Happy, happy day to you, Archie! That slug seems like a nice fella, but seriously Archie, I can't stop staring at the raspberry cheesecake. YUM! Hope you have a great birthday!
Happy birthday Archie! How big you've gotten and how cute you are! Here's to many more healthy, happy years!
Happy Birthday sweet little Archie! We Love You! Your friends, Gipetto,Zinnia,Pollyanna, Rubin Dubin, Little Honey, Stella, Lucy, Rosie, Safou, Maggie and Dolly, and mare
Happy Birthday Archie! We LOVE you sooooooooooooooooooooo much! You and your sluggie are so cute together, we can't stand it :)
Auntie Melanie, Moe and Ollie
Hi Archeeeee
Happy Birthdays to YOU!
Gosh, not long ago you were a tiny baby so cute and now a big boy one year old! And so beautiful! Thank you for coming into our lives!
I love that sluggy- he will be your new friend- right?
And the raspberry cheesecake looks soooo mouth watering good!
Happy BirthDay R Cheeee,,,,
its your day!
OMP 1 already!!! Where does time goes!
Happy Birthday little Archie!
Happy Happy Happy Birthday Archie! From you pals MA-kytah & Shady.
OMG... already! Happy Birthday, lots and lots of belly rubs and snuggles! :)
Oh Archie, it's so hard for me to believe that you're already 1 year old. I've been reading about you since your Mum first bought you home. You're such a wonderful, handsome boy who brings so much to all of us who read about you, but most especially your Mum I'm sure!
A big Happy Birthday from Australia for you and I hope you enjoyed your cheesecake!
*hugs* - Opaka's human.
Happy belated birthday to Archie!! He looks soo cute celebrating his birthday! Bailey is sad she could not join him:O
Pug hugs!!
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