Hi everyone!It is me...
Cousin Moe!
I have had the best Summer!
I know there are several weeks left of Summer (yippeee), but I just could not wait to share the vacation my pawrents treated me to!

We went to Grand Lake in the moutains of Colorado!

Grand it was!

I found lots of yummy sticks to chew on!

wildflowers to sniff!

more sticks to chew on!

hummers to admire!

more wildflowers to sniff!
What a beautiful and peaceful place!
I am a Mountain Corgi!
I LOVE living here in Colorado!
Everday is an adventure!
I cannot wait until tomorrow! :)
What fun things are you up to this Summer?
Please leave me a note and tell me all about it!
I cannot wait to share it with Archie!
Moe, you are so cute! We love corgis. It must be pretty cool there, which we would like. Its too hot here. We'll keep looking at your pictures and imagine that we're there in the mountains.
Meredith & Scarlet
Oh thank you Auntie Melissa for sharing my vacation! It was so much fun and I will have more fun to share again soon!
WOW Moe! Cool digs, we love your bed and the view! We're just hangin' in Oregon doing the wading pool thing, sunning and napping when Mum is not taking us for a walk.
Love, Dozer and Cooper
What a wonderful summer vacation! I sure wish I could visit Grand Lake because it looks like lots of fun. Is that outdoor kennel just for you?
I have been hiking, gardening, and keeping cool this summer. I went on a mini road trip a few days ago and am going on a real road trip next month. I am enjoying the summer and don't want it to end!
Hi Moe
You have seen the most beautiful of flowers! I just bet they smell sooo good! Look at all the colors!
And of course those sticks are the best sticks in the world? Right? They look like little antlers to me.
Lake Grand sounds like the most peaceful place on earth!
Could you see every star in the sky?
The view,, the moutians, hummer birds,, what more could you ask for?
I think you have it all.
Happy vacation Moe
Moe, buddy.....that Colorado sure looks nice! Maybe I can make it out there some day.
Me an' mom are plannin' a little road trip next weekend. Be sure tuh check my blog, bud!
What a fabulous summer vacation you're having, Cousin Moe. You have our mom smiling at those poppys! They're her favorite flowers!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
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