Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Emmitt is Ready!

Hip Hip Hooray!

Our favorite time of year is here!

I had fun making this collage of Emmitt in a pumpkin patch in my Photoshop Elements 8 online class.

I have been taking classes with Sara Froelich for years and have loved everyone!

If you are looking for a way to learn photoshop elements, I highly recommend them!

Emmitt loves his hat and wants to show you where we got it...

Jessica Lynn Art

Jessica and JD are wonderful!

Each hat is handmade with love.

What fun things are you up to today?

m & e


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is a wonderful collage, Melissa. He looks like he is sniffing all the great smells of autumn.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Candace Trew Camling said...

so cute! what a silly outfit! I love it!

The Daily Pip said...

Adorable!!!! Can you tell me how to find the randomizer you use for your contests? I need to set it up for Pip's Halloween Costume Contest. You can email me at mrpippip(at)gmail(dot)com.

Pip & Kristin

Corbin said...

My mom needs to take that class! She's horrible with all that photo stuff! Raining here all week... so it's pretty boring without being able to play outside!

Anonymous said...

I be havin a quiet day today as I has had an upset tummy but I be feelin better now but just takin it easy. Hope your day is sooper wonderful


Duke said...

You look adorable, Emmitt! We love autumn and pumpkins too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Kelly said...

Hi, my darling Emmitt!

Is it Fall there?! It's still HOT here, but I am SO ready for the change of seasons! You look sooo cute in your hat!!!

Pearly Poo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look pawesome Emmitt!


Hank said...

Emmitt looks super in fall colors!

(Hanky and I are still resting up from the big weekend!)

Lick ya later!


Laura said...

You are so adorable, Emmitt! Happy Fall!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

We love fall time too! Especially October.

Emmitt...Tuni is eyeing that hat you have on there today...she loves hats!!!

Sequoia and Tuni

Tweedles -- that's me said...

precious Emmmitt
You have all made us smile with your cuteness.
What a gorgeous photo..
your so cute,
I love your hat
and I love you

Emmitt's Song
I feel what your heart is feeling
as each golden leaf falls.
I feel the autumn too.
I can hear your words
as the leaves fall..
and you say "look"
and I watch with you...
I see what you see
and I am looking...
I feel what your feeling.
I feel your autumn- around me
even though were far apart
I hear you, sweet Emmitt.

Sketching with Dogs said...

Emmitt, we think you look lovley in your hat. If only our mum wern't so stupid, she could do stuff like that - sigh, he he.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

JJ Lynne said...

Learning new photoshop techniques is so much fun! We loved seeing Emmitt's sweet fall collage. It got us in the mood for apple crisp and pumpkin carving :)

love- Jess, JD, & Ringo

Salinger The Pug said...

OMG Emmitt, you are so cute in your hat in the pumpkin patch!!!!

If my mom calls you up and orders one of these hats for me, you are under STRICT orders to tell her they've been DISCONTINUED!

I'll owe you one! Thanks!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Emmitt... what color hat should I order? I like your design that you have on, ,,,, just dreaming