Happy Friday everyone!
We are so excited to share these fun photos of friends enjoying some fiber art!
The first picture is of Mr. Pip playing with the Grub he won from last month's Grub Giveaway ~ Week 4.
Emmitt and I are so happy they have become fast friends!

and this cutie patootie is Norman Pickles from the UK in his turquoise /aqua /golden sweater vest.

Have a super fun weekend everyone!
Please leave us a note and let us know what you have planned!
We cannot wait to hear all about it!
m & e
I just love my grubby grub grub! My feline sister Rosie likes to play with it too!
Your pal, pip
Hi Emmitt and Melissa I have so much fun planned this weekend - I am gonna go outside and "replant" some of Auntie T's shrubs, nap, eat, nap, swim some in my pool, nap, nap, steal shoes, nap, nap - and so on.
Have fun.
Love Noodles
Have a great weekend Emmitt!! :)
Love your sweater vests Melissa. Happy weekend to you and your little sweetie Emmitt.
Such great pics - it must be fun to see your creations becoming treasures for others.
Glorious weather here, we are hoping Mom is planning lots of walk time for us. Have a great weekend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What great pikhs!
Thanks fur sharing
Mr. Pip looks like he is really enjoying his grub toy!
We will be raking the yard tomorrow. The storm we had yesterday and today brought down TONS of sticks!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Fiber Friday we love it!!!!
Hi Melissa and Emmitt
First of all my computer is sick... after i did a story,,, so this is by morris code,,,, i guess.. and through the back door...i had my mind made up to come see you,, so here I am..
Mr Pip looks soo happys with the donut,, who wouldn't be? And Moe... he looks like he is ready to PLAY. Norman Pickles is tooo cute wearing that sweater vest. What cool colors and they look so good on him
Hi Melissa and Emmitt!
We love seeing photos of other
dogs having fun! I think Daisy and I
are going to craft and clean this
We hope you have a fun weekend!
-Dana & Daisy
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