Thursday, October 14, 2010

Melanie's First Crocheted Sweater!

Happy Thursday everyone!

I am so excited to show you Melanie's very first crocheted sweater!

She made this gorgeous granny square sweater!

I am so proud of her as she just learned to crochet less than 1 year ago and she did this from start to finish all by herself!

 I just love every detail down to the clasp buttons she chose!

It could not have turned out more perfect if she tried!

Melanie promised to make me one too after she completes a new batch of sweater bears that she is making for a holiday craft fair we are going to be in on November 20th in Winter Park, CO!

I am so excited!

Are there any holiday craft shows in your part of the world that you are excited to go to? 

Please leave us a comment and tell us all about them! 

We cannot wait to hear!

m & e


Sketching with Dogs said...

That cardigan is gorgeous!
I love the smaller contrasting squares at the bottom, they work really well.
Congrats to Melanie.
If there are any craft events in our area I never get to hear about them - sigh.

Resweater said...

That is truly beautiful! It makes me want to learn to crochet! Granny squares are so cool :)

I have a couple of craft shows coming up in the far west suburbs of Chicago:

Paula said...

Melanie's sweater is gorgeous! I love granny square creations.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a great job she did!!! And it really looks good on her too. Granny squares are so much fun.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Diane said...

Wow! She did a beautiful job. It looks so cute on her! xoxo Diane

Laura said...

Adorable! I've crocheted for a long time, but never attempted the things you gals do!

Duke said...

OMG, we know exactly what our mom is thinking! Melanie did a gorgeous job on that sweater! We love it!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

We live near Wichita, KS, the largest city in Kansas with
250,000+ population. They used to have good craft shows...but since the airplane business has been rocky...they just aren't the same. Our hometown used to have good one's, too. We miss those craft shows...but now its a waste of money to go to them and see nothing. Oh...the good ol' days when airplane business was booming.
-The Slimmer mamas

Joan Princing Art said...

WOW! This is FABULOUS! I love items made from Granny Squares. We have a Granny Square Christmas Tree Skirt that Tony's grandma made and it is priceless! Super Job Melanie!
Joan & Jane Austen-Eyre

Peng Peng said...

is there anything you guys CANT do? LOL! lovely handmade sweater!

Punchbugpug said...

What a beautiful, creative job she did! It is so wonderful you have a sister you can share your artistic passion with!!

I am looking for shows in our area. I'd like to get in one more before the holidays and then REST! :)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh my gosh.. Melanie did such a beautiful job. We love the color, we love the style, we love the buttons, we love everything about it,, and it looks so gorgeous on her. What a sense of accomplishment she must be feeling and she should be very proud of what she has done..
Thank you for sharing this beautiful project by Melanie

MochiMachoMarshmallow said...

Hi I'm a long time blog readers of yours and when I saw this on another blog i read it reminded me of your sister and you. Thought you both might enjoy making one.