Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Archie's First Walk!

Welcome to Woo Hoo Wednesday in the World of Archie Poo Pants!

I got to go on my very first walk!

Now that I am 4 months old, I am a big boy and can leave my backyard to see the world beyond our fence!


Let's go!

On my adventure we got to walk on these things called SIDEWALKS around the neighborhood!

... and I even learned how to read my first pee-mail messages!

After meeting all of our super nice neighbors we arrived at this magical place!

It is Green like my harness!

Momma and Dad called it a PARK and it is right in our neighborhood!

Oh my gosh!

My puppy brain is going a million miles an hour!

So many wonderful sights, scents and sounds to absorb!

I think I will bark my name at everyone who comes by so they know who I am!

Ooooo! There are more people over there!

This is so much fun!

Thank you momma and dad for taking me on my very first walk!

Let's run home and get the movies we took ready to post tomorrow!

Please come back to see & hear me in action!


Archie Poo Pants

Over & Out!


Laura said...

So exciting to go with you on your very first walk, Archie! You are going to have many more trips to that fun park, and I can't wait to see them all!

Unknown said...

Da da ddaaada da da dddada (Rocky Music Playing) - Archie we can't wait to see the video of your big walk!!!! Howie wants to know if you kept count of all the stuff you peed on. xoxoxoxo

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Oh doggie walkies are the best thing ever! You will learn lots and lots on these great adventures Archikins. Enjoy!

Meredith & Scarlet

Tiffy said...

Oh Archie! Now you are ready to go to the park with me. I love going to the park because there is so much pee mail to pick up and leave. What a fun time you had at the park with your mom and dad. I'm sure there will be many more trips to the park in your future.


Peng Peng said...

Congrats on your first walk!! what a lovely day it is for your first adventure!

Barbara said...

Oh man Archie, what a great day! You're a big boy now, and able to see the world! It's hard to believe you're four whole months old now!!

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

What a fun day! Your first walk and you got to play in the park too :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

Too Cute Pugs said...

Congratulations Archie Poo Pants! Big walks are a BIG thing. We're so excited for you!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Archie Poo - you are just so cute. You are right, there is a great big world out there and lots of peemail to catch up on. We hope you get many more walks with Mom and Dad.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

tubby3pug said...

Yeah first walk--I bet you enjoy many many many more

Duke said...

What a fun-filled walkie and a beautiful walkie for you, Archie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Your first walk Archie how exciting! You look so happy and have really grown up. We hope you had lots of fun pee mail :)

Sequoia Tuni and Emma

Wilma said...

Oh Archie! Good times. You are going to love all the things there are to explore out here in the world!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Archie Poo Pant, I just love that photo of you and your daddy running home!!
What a great time you had on your walkie,, seing the big,, big world!
So much to sniff,, and look at,, and listen to,
There are so many smiles on your mom and dads faces,, that is making my heart sing right along with you.. oh archie,, your getting to be a big boy,, and you should tell everyone your name,, because you are special and so loved!

marianne said...

Ahhhh what a sweet adventure!
Archie is just too cute! Want to eat him up!
Wow his first pee mail!
They grow up so fast!

Have a nice day!