Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Archie's First Day of Summer Pizza Giveaway!

Happy first day of Summer everyone!

This is my very first Summer Solstice!

I am told it is the longest day of the year!


Lots of sunshine and time to play!

Let's celebrate with a pizza party!

My momma and I made this yummy slice of pizza (with extra fiber) to giveaway to a lucky winner!

Please just leave a comment on this post and you will be entered to win!

I will enter all the names into www.randomizer.org and announce the winner this Thursday, June 23rd!


Thank you so much for playing with me!

How are you celebrating Summer today?

Please leave me a note and let me know!

I cannot wait to hear all about it!


Archie Pizza Pants


Tiffy said...

I am going to be celebrating Momma and Daddy's anniversary. Maybe I will get some extra treats, too, since I will want to stay up late to fully experience the longest day of the year.


Duke said...

PIZZA! It's one of our most favorite treats!
We love your blue tile floor, Archie. It's so pretty!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mia said...

First day of summer yayyyyy!!!! We are going for a long walk to the park which borders a zoo and maybeeee if we're real quiet we'll see our donkey friend. We loveeee donkeys!!! :)

Meredith LeBlanc said...

We're going to roll around in the grass in the sunshine!

Meredith & Scarlet

Anonymous said...

Hey Archie!

That pizza looks delicious, I sure would love to eat it. Mom said it wasn't for eating but I don't think she understands that it's a pizza. Silly Mom.

I'm at work with Dad today while mom gets a hair cut. I get to play with everyone at the office and maybe go for a walk at the park across the street.

Hope you have a wonderful day!

Pug Love

Murphie Jo

heidijo5050 said...

Our Max thinks your pizza looks yummy...Pep. and black olives...yum!!! Extra fiber makes me sad...lol

emily said...

What a beautiful nose wrinkle you have, Archie!

Minnie Moo said...

Pizza to celebrate summer?! Woot Woot


Minnie Moo

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Yumm!! That pizza looks tasty :)

Happy first day of summer!!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

Barbara said...

YUM! Delicious pizza!!

lbbolton said...

Archie is soooooooo cute!!!!

Rambo and Miss Ellie said...

Archie, you and your mom are great together.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Archie Poo,,, you are so adorable out in the sunshinny day,, celebrating the summer solstice!
and that pizza is making me mighty hungry right now!
happy summer.. archie poo!

Liss said...

Ricky and I would like to enter!