Friday, November 26, 2010

Emmitt's Sock Monkey Giveaway ~ Week 1

We are so thankful for all of our wonderful friends!

Hi everyone!

It is me... Emmitt!

Happy Thanksgiving Friday!

I am so excited to announce that I am having another Fun Giveaway!

I went shopping with my mom and found these 3 wonderful sock monkey dog toys!

I am going to give one away for the next 3 weeks!

Every Friday the giveaway post will be open for you to enter your paw in the drawing.

All you have to do is leave a comment on that Friday post and on the following Wednesday, I will enter the names in and announce the winner!
It is that easy!
So please leave a comment today if you would like to play, and I will announce the winner of week 1 on Wed. December 1st!
Speaking of winners, here are some super sweet photos of Sequoia and Tuni enjoying the crocheted candies (with extra fiber) from my Halloween Spooktabular Giveaway last month!
Aren't they sweet?



Thank you for playing with us!
Have a super weekend!


Duke said...

The sock monkeys are too cute! Please enter us, Emmitt!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

Love the sock monkeys! I call Emmy my little monkey - hee hee! oh and the toy candies from last month were sooooo cute!

Sherrie, Emmy & Hoagie

Unknown said...

Oh how cute Melissa!!!! Emmitt and those sock monkeys.....

I love sock monkeys!!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a great shoppper woo are Emmitt!

Happy Friday!


Wilma said...

Ooooooooh Emmett, I loves a sock monkey. I love those sweet pictures of Tuni and Sequoia even better!

Salinger The Pug said...


Yes, please enter us!!!

We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and have recovered from your Turkey meatloaf coma!!!

We're so thankful to have you as our friends!


Salinger The Pug said...

Um, Hi.

I'm a new Pug that has never visited your site before...uh....and I would like to enter your sock monkey contest.

My name is Alingersay.

Thank you.


**mom's note....HAHAHAHAA!**

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We would love one of those sock monkeys - please put our names in too. Cute pics of the pugs with their candies:)

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

The WriggleButts said...

What great pictures - and the sock monkeys are adorable!


Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Those are super cute sock monkeys Emmitt!!!

~The Monster Crew

meeyeehere said...

Those are terrific! My FaFa Marie would love one!
Please count me in!

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Hi Emmitt, im leaving a comment but don't enter us to win, We are so happy with our candies we want others to win something. The monkeys are so cute, where did you find them? I am still waiting for my sock monkey bed....Walgreens is almost done being built yea!

Tuni woons

Archie and Melissa said...

hi tuni woons!

that is an excellent question!
we got them at bed bath and beyond in the pet section.

emmitt knew right away that is what he wanted to Giveaway to all of his friends.

we pulled out all of our coins and he picked these 3.

i think there might even be one or two more colors to collect!

m & e

JJ Lynne said...

Emmitt, you are always so generous to your friends!

We haven't had the chance to visit your blog in awhile because we've been knitting up a storm and studying for final exams, but we hope you and your mum are both well!

We are so excited about these fabulous sock monkeys :]

love - Jess, JD, & Ringo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

sock monkeys,, ohhhhhh Emmitt, you are tooo cute with the sock monkeys. You have made friends with them,, will you be sad to see them go? Toooo cute,,,,
i wish i had one,,,

those photos of Tuni and Sequoia are too precious. Aren't they just adorables.
nitey nite little Emmitt (and monkeys)

Becky said...

Emmitt, you and your Mom are the best when it comes to giveaways! Those are adorable sock monkeys!

Nancy at the Farm said...

Oh Emmitt, these are wonderful monkeys! Can we still get in on it? So colorful, so full of stuffing...Nummy!

Love, Dozer and Cooper

Hank said...

Love the crocheted candy! So cute!

Anonymous said...

Am I too late to play? Sorry! I was off black friday shopping in oregon :)

Those sock monkeys are adorable!!

Callie said...

The sock monkeys are adorable and such a classic timeless child's toy.

Mary Jo said...

sock monkey for my monkey head! thanks for keeping us in the loop!
-mary jo (zippy and maggie's mama)