Friday, November 19, 2010

Sweater Vest Gallery ~

Happy Friday everyone!

Emmitt and I are so excited to share some of the newest additions to our Sweater Vest Gallery!

Meet Henri above. He is a Beeeutiful puggle who lives in TX with his mom, Julie S.

He is wearing a sweater vest they designed for him with a Chocolate Brown body/ White bobbles / Light Blue collar.

He looks so handsome!

This cutie patootie is Checkers the Peke-A-Poo!

He is wearing the Cowboy Design from The Variegated collection!
Photos courtesy of Kate G., TN

and this little cutie pie is Alexandra the Frenchie!
She is wearing the Watermelon Design from The Fruit Smootie Collection!
Photo courtesy of Kathy R., CA
Isn't she sweet?
We are so excited to let you know that is is now easier than ever to visit our Sweater Vest Gallery whenever you want to smile!
Emmitt and I got it its very own domain and now can be found easily at:
Melanie and I are going to Winter Park, CO to be in a craft fair this weekend!
We are so excited to showcase her fabulous felted wool teddy bears and ornaments!
I will take lots of pictures to show you!
What fun things do you have planned this weekend?
Please leave us a note and let us know.
We cannot wait to hear all about it!
m & e


Molly the Airedale said...

How awesome that the sweater vests have their own website now! Every doggie looks so handsome!
We will be planning Mitch's birthday pawty this weekend. He'll be 4 on Wednesday!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Vito and Gina said...

Hi friends! My mom is anxiously awaiting the arrival of my sweater vest. She is way more excited about it than I am. Sigh. Clothes. :(

Have a fun weekend! We are having a housewarming party tomorrow! I hope no one brings me clothes. :(


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Melissa and Emmitt
How fun it is to see these cute little faces wearing your beautiful sweaters that you made for them.
Checkers,, jeeze,, is that my old friend Checkers? Sure looks like him. I love his cowboy sweater vest,, how adorables.
And Alexandra's watermelon sweater is so colorful,,, now I need a smoothie too.
Henri is a real doll in his gorgeous sweater. What cool colors.
I love them all, and I love lookinig at all these colors of sweaters,, the colors of the rainbow

Ruth Welter said...

Adorable Melissa, I love seeing these cutey pies modeling your sweaters.


marianne said...

They are all 3 so cute!!!!!
The middle one looks like the dog I had before ♥
And love that black with pink combination
And Love that Hwnry with his ear folded.
