The DFW Pug Rescue ~ Calendar Contest
Happy Saturday everyone!
It is me...
I am so excited to let you know that I have the chance to win the honor of being a Pug Pin Up in the Dallas Fort Worth Pug Rescue Calendar for 2011!
Please just click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page to click the donate button to vote for me. It is only $1 per vote and all proceeds go to helping the wonderful puggies in DFW's care.
If you would like to cast a vote for me, please make sure you write "Emmitt Langer" in the description of your PayPal payment so that they know it is for me. :)
The competition is fierce, so thank you for your consideration!
Have a wonderful day!
Hello's Emmitt!!
Of Course we votes for yous!! Hands down yousa 'da cutest and have its in 'da bag!!
You look extra cutes in the sweaters your Mommy mades you!!
Big hugs to you and your Mommy!!
Izzy, Josie &
Anakin Man
Hello's again...
It's no secrets 'dat Mommy is tech challenged...
she is having issues wit the pay pals log ins... Daddy gets home in 'da evenings!! We vote 'dens....Sorry Mommy's a nerd!! (hee hee)
Izzy and Josie
just voted. What a brilliant way to get the most out of a calendar fund raiser! I just donated one dollar, if I go back and donate $10 does that count as 10 votes or one vote? Should we do 10 - one dollar donations to register 10 votes???
hmmm, it does not seem to auto-update the votes. Someone must have to manually update the count I guess. Anyway ... Good Luck Emmitt! We will vote again.
Hi Rebecca & Katy!
Thank you so much for voting!
I think every $1 counts as one vote, so 1 $10 donation will count as 10 votes for Emmitt.
They do ask that you put emmitt's name in the description so they know who to give the votes to.
so if you are donating $10 (so very generous <3)), you could write in the description, 10 votes for Emmitt Langer. :)
I think you are right, and the tally is manually updated. :)
We just voteds for you!! Mom was nice and let us vote more than once hehehe! Good lucks!
Best of lukhk to woo Handsome!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Good luck Emmitt
Were voting for you and cheering you all the way
Oh, Emmitt! If you win will you pawtograph my copy???
Lick ya later!
We voted! You're sure to win, you're so handsome.
Oh Emmett, what fun.You must be in that calander. Centerfold in fact. Good luck!
JD and I will have to stop in and vote! JD is entered in the Kentuckiana Rescue and Arizona Rescue photo contests at the moment. It's so much fun to see all of the photos.
Hooray, we have voted for you Emmitt, we hope you win Your Adorableness!
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
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