Happy Thursday everyone!
I am so excited to show you the
wonderful photos that
Salinger and his mom, Laura just
sent to me of them enjoying their new
lazy susan.
Hey everyone!
I challenge you to a game of...
Bring it on!Oh and um a bowl of popcorn too, please. :)
A puggy needs fuel to spell ... Am I right?
Who's next?
Salinger and Emmitt his business manager :)
SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm on your bloggie!!!!!
Mom says to tell you that she LOVES that Susan character (even though she IS lazy!). Mom has used her while doing a few cakes AND a few games of Scrabble (in which she beat daddy unmercifully!). When we're not using her, she is propped up on a wicker trunk as the work of art that she is!!!!
Thank you so much Melissa (and Emmitt!). We love this newest addition to our growing collection of PugNotes goodies!!!
I LIKE! I think we need one for our board games too. Hm, another gift idea for me to give to Daddy.
We never thought of being able to use Susan for a game turner! Sal's mom is so smart.
Stella and Betty
Love it!...and those pics of the puggies in their sweaters in your last post are so adorable!
Aww hard to decide which is cuter the pug or the lazy susan ;)
Salinger looks so good next to that lazy susan - bet it brings good luck to the Scrabble players.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Melissa, honey.....that is one FINE piece o' woodwork I tell ya what.
Think ya could make me one with cupholders (ya know, fer my PBR)?
Salinger is so smart! Who would ever think to put that lazy Susan to work? If she lived her, Mom would have her doing all kinds of housework.
Stubby xoxo
what a cool little item!!!
Furry khlever!
Of khourse, leave it to Hank to make another suggestion!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We can see Melissa mind is always busy creating things that we all love.
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