Friday, July 31, 2009

You Are All Invited ~ Let's Celebrate!

Hi Everyone!

Please come back tomorrow to enjoy Emmitt's 13th Birthday with him!

He has been baking mini meatloaves for everyone!

We have food, music and games planned.

Emmitt is soooo excited to be a teenager!

The jets are fueled at your local airports.

See you tomorrow! The party is All Day!


Emmitt & Melissa

P.S. Today is our last day to vote for "Groovy Dogs"! Let's win this contest together!

Thank you so much for all of your votes and wonderful comments this whole month. This has been so fun! I will let you know the results as soon as I find out!


Manon said...

Otis and I are in! We can't wait!!

Punchbugpug said...

The furry foursome is ready to party.

The WriggleButts said...

That will be so much fun! :D


Rosie said...

See you tom.!

Kelly said...

Hi M&E!

Melissa, I voted for your fabric again! It's the BEST!

Emmy, I think I forgot to send you my picture for the party... but don't worry! I will be there with bells on, and I am bringing the margarita machine!!!! Yippeeee for 13 years of Emmitt!!!!!!!!

Nancy at the Farm said...

We'll be there! Thanks for inviting us!

Love Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Nevis said...

Napoleon & Rukia are there with bells on!

Diane said...

What a blast! I will gather up Kong & Gail & we will all celebrate with Emmitt!
Kiss that birthday boy for me!
Hugs, Diane

Sunny said...

Party! Mr. Cash will be there!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Count Chewy and I in too! We would love to help Emmitt celebrate becoming a teenager!
P.S. It's so cute that Emmitt has a favourite toy that he brings to everyone when they come over!

Too Cute Pugs said...

We will see you tomorrow Emmitt!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

artpaw said...

See you tomorrow Emmitt! Good luck with the contest!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khake&Ice Khream!





Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Emmitt!!! Enjoy your fun day!! :)

Unknown said...

We'll have to stop by! Tomorrow is also the 1 year pugiversary of Meiby living with us :)

Unknown said...

oh so cute Melissa!!! You are such a wonderful person and Emmitt is one lucky pooch!!!

Happy Birthday Emmitt!!!


Kelley Carey MacDonald said...

I've never been to a big boy party, Emmitt... thanks for inviting me. Mom says I should wear my argyle vest - is that really necessary? I will BE there!
xoxoxo Paco

Stubby said...

Hi Melissa & Emmitt! I'm so excited about the party tomorrow. I can't wait to eat a yummy mini meatloaf.

I'm off to the airport soon to jump on my jet. I can't wait to see all my blogging friends and play games and act silly. Thanks so much for putting my picture on the invitation.

See you tomorrow!

Stubby xoxo

Duke said...

We wouldn't miss your birthday pawty for the world, Emmitt! Happy birthday in advance!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

GAIL said...

Party! Party! Party! Good luck with the chairs. Let us know when you win.

Sue said...

Hi Melissa & Emmitt,
Mom got another vote in on time - ohhhhhhhhhhhhh we HOPE YOU WIN!
I'll be there for the party! Mom and Dad were going to leave me to go to a birthday party tomorrow - little do they know what I'll be up to!

Hank said...

Emmitt, buddy! I am so psyched 'bout yer party!

Now I just gotta figger out how to lose my sister between Indy and Colorado....

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You can bet your boots we will be there! This will be the time of our lives to celebrate Emmitt being a teenage at 13. He just keeps getting cuter and cuter!
Can't wait for some of that special meatloaf and fun!
We never got our picture sent!
We're going to get our last vote in now! We're thinking positive!
See ya tomorrow-

Puglette said...

happy birthday to emmitt!! i wish you many hugs and puggie kisses. may all your wishes come true.

charlie's birthday is sunday, she will turn 2!