Thursday, June 23, 2011

Archie's Pizza Slice Giveaway ~ The Winner

Hi everyone!

Happy Thursday!

I am so excited to announc the winner of my Pizza Slice (with extra fiber) Giveaway!

Look how yummy!

so without further aideu...

*** drum roll pleeease ***

The winner is...


How fun!

MJ, please just email me your address and we will get your tasty slice in the mail to you right away!

Please do not feel bad if you did not win this time!

I will have lots more Giveaways this Summer for you pawticipate in!

Thank you for playing with me this week!


Archie Pizza Pants


Duke said...

Congratulations to MurphyJo! He's sure going to be eating good this weekend!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Daily Pip said...

Oh Archie Pants, I missed this givaway and I do LOVE pizza! Congrats to the winner.

Your pal, Pip

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Congrats to Murphie Jo!!

Archie - you are looking adorable as always :)

Happy Thursday!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda, Brutus & Ellie

marianne said...

Congrats MJ and hugs for Archie!
He is too cute!!!!!

Meredith LeBlanc said...

Yay Murphy Jo! and yay Archikins!

Meredith & Scarlet

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Atchie Pizza Pants.. tee hee hee
Look at your big eyes!!!!
Congratulations to Murphy Jo!
This was a fun contest,,
thank you for asking us to play!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited Archie! Mommy said it will be here soon! Can't wait to post pictures to show everyone!
Thanks for the congrats everyone! I'm one excited little girl!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Murphie Jo