Thursday, September 24, 2009

Purple Bobble Sweater for Charity ~ Crochet Pattern

Hi Everyone!

I just finished my second Go-Over Sweater for the Knit-A-Square Charity in South Africa.

I love crocheting these wearable blankets for the children.

I decided for my second sweater, that I would incorporate my favorite bobble pattern that I used for the baby blankets in July.

It is very easy to make a bobble stitch. Here is how I make the Bobble Sweater...

The front is formed by crocheting two rectangular panels that are sewn together in the middle to make the front of the sweater with a slight V in the front:

This pattern creates the sweater you see that fits me which would be the size of a child L or an adult S. Please feel free to make adjustments to whatever size you want.

Worsted weight yarn, I hook

Sweater front: (make two panels)

Rows 1-5 sc across (26)
Row 6 (change color) Join new color and sc in same stitch, sc in next stitch, *bobble, sc in next 6 stitches, bobble* repeat until end of row. End bobble color (4 bobbles formed and 2 sc on either side of the bobbles at the end.)
Change back to background color.
Rows 7-11 sc across
Row 12 Repeat row 6.

Continue with this pattern until 5 rows of bobbles are complete and then sc with background color to form a long rectangle that is 20" long.

Now you should have a rectangle that is about 9 x 20. I then weave in all of the ends and sc 2 rows along each long side so that the rectangle is about 9.5 x 20.

*Repeat the same process for the second panel.*

With wrong sides up, line up the two panels with the way you want you bobbles to appear. (I inverted mine so that there is a bobble patch at the top and one at the bottom.)

Start at the bottom and sew the two seams together with your main color yarn & a yarn needle leaving 2.5 inches open at the top for the v opening. Now sew back down the seam again to the bottom to reinforce the seam and weave in your ends.

Ta da... the front is done.

To form the back, my gauge is to ch 52 and sc a rectangle that is about 19 x 20 that matches the front in size. No worries if it is not wide enough when done because you can add a row or two of sc on the sides to make them match up.


Sleeves: 16” total (make 2)

I start my sleeves as a flat band to check the gauge and to create a slightly different pattern in the sleeve to form a band at the top that is 5 rows and then sew the seam together and start working in the round. This is my preference, but you can start in the round if you like.

Ch 48
Sc 5 rows across flat band. (17” strip)

Row 6 – join work and work in rounds (sew up seam)

Row 12 – sc 10 decrease 1 (4x) = 44

Row 14 – sc18 decrease 1 (2x) = 42

Row 20 – sc 8 decrease 1 (4x) =38

Row 47 – sc 3 decrease 1 (8x) =30

Row 48 – sc 4 decrease 1 (5x) = 25

Row 49 & 50 – sc AA – end

Row 51 sc AA in contrasting color.

Piecing together: (I always sew all the seams twice to reinforce and to prevent holes.)

I line up the front and back panels and sew 5" in on each side at the top to form the shoulders and leave a comfortable neck hole.

When the top is joined, I line up the bottom and join the sides from the bottom up to about the middle or a little higher to stablized the body to join in the sleeves. (There will be an opening on the sides that have not yet met the sleeve area that I will close once the main part of the sleeves are sewn in.)

I fold the sleeve so that the little seam from joining the 5 top rows is in the arm pit, line up the top at the shoulder, sew the front of the sleeve to the body, flip, sew the back and then close the side while joining in the last little bit of the bottom of the sleeve in the arm pit.

To finish, I pick the bobble color or a third contrasting color to sc around the bottom of the sweater, cuffs and neckline.

Voila, your bobble sweater is done. :)

Melanie was so wonderful to felt and cut (22) 8x8 wool squares for me to include in the package. They will be sewn into blankets for the children to keep them warm. Many of them sleep outdoors and need wool fiber that is more fire retardant than the acrylic yarn.

I am off to take the package to the post office. Whenever I drop off a package, I envision it making a safe journey 1/2 way around the world and bringing lots of children joy and warmth.

Happy Thursday everyone!
P.S. Lilian & Coco had a wonderful comment wanting to donate to Knit-A-Square directly since she wants to help them without knowing how to knit or crochet. I just learned KAS has set up a paypal donate button to make this possible in any amount that is comfortable for you. Every dollar really helps and your love and geneorsity is so appreciated! You are all so wonderful and supportive. Thank you for all of your wonderful comments and ideas!


Anonymous said...

That is so adorable. I love the color combo. I really need to learn how to knit/crochet. Have a beautiful day and give Emmitt some hugs and kisses today! :)

Cocorue said...

another pretty sweater to keep another child are a beautiful person

may i help pay for the materials/yarn/ of your NEXT sweater for these kids....just provide your paypal addy and i will forward you the $

since i can't knit and you can, i would like to contribute and i would rather pay through your beautiful sweater which will keep one more child happy and warm.

if possible, could you knit in CoCo's name somewhere???

coco's mumster lilian

Kathy said...

Beautiful sweater!! nice work!!

Laura said...

What a wonderfully cute and colorful sweater! You amaze me!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The sweater is beautiful and we are sure some lucky child will wear it with pride and feel very loved. Thanks for the link to the bobble stitch, Mom has used that stitch before but thinks it was called a puff stitch.

woos, the OP Pack

Mia said...

While the technical stuff went right over the momma's head, we still enjoyed the pictures of the new sweater. It's beautiful and some lucky child will love it and wear it with pride. You are truly an inspiration to all of us =)


Unknown said...

very cute Melissa! Nicely done :)

artpaw said...

Lovely sweater! Good job.

Unknown said...

OMG! I love the colors and continued blessings to you for being such a generous soul.

Unknown said...

wow Melissa!!! you are amazing!!! this is wonderful...


GAIL said...


Liss said...

Oh that is super cute. Love the colors.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khwite khute and the kholours are our favourites!


Jeanne said...

Melissa, I am over the moon with these sweaters. What a very very talented woman you are. I am so proud to have you as a blogger friend. Love, Jeanne

Duke said...

The sweater is just beautiful, Melissa! We love the color combo!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Stubby said...

Another great sweater! So pretty and the kids are going to love it.

You are so talented and sweet. Emmitt is so lucky to have you for his mom.

Stubby xoxo

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Melissa
The sweater is just beautifuL.
We love the colors and we know it certainly will keep someone warm this winter.
What a big generous heart you have