Happy Friday Everyone!
It is me...
It has been such a fun & busy week.
I have been hard at work training my toys to learn how listen to me and to be well behaved stuffies.
Ok, Mr. Spaceman ... We are going to play Follow the Leader.
...and um, I'm the Leader!
So do everything I do...
... or this will happen to you! Boy, this toy training is hard work! I'm feelin' kinda sleepy...
Mommmmmmma.... "Up please"
Ahhh there she is!
Time for hugs for me...

But not for you toys!
I have my eyes on you! ;)

Maybe I'll just close them just for a minute.
What a great week! What are you doing this weekend?
Please leave me a note and tell me all about it!
I cannot wait to hear!
Archie Pants
Over & Out
Oh Archie you are just so darn cute!!!!
We are going to Pug meetup this weekend and mom is getting some pocket dresses done for some cutey Pugs that your mama knows!
Archie, you are doing such a fabulous job training your toys!! ;) Flora learned to do this very early on as well, and now they know who is "boss". HA! You are so adorable and look so at ease with your new momma.
Have a lovely day!!
XO Tiffany & Flora
Archie, you are such a doll!! We are so excited for you and your momma!! We are so happy that we will get to see all of your new adventures and help you on your way to being a big, strong puggy!!!!
Good gravy! Archie is just precious!
Your pal, Pip
Archie Pants, I do not think you can be any cuter!! <3
Your little guy is so adorable Melissa.
Hi Archie! Wesa thinks you must be an ornery little guy because when they start adding "britches" or "pants" to the end of your name it usually means you are a bit demanding. But you are a pup...and we were all demanding at that age. Some of us are still not far from that behavior. BOL! By the way, the mamas say you remind them of Toby Mans when he was a wee man. :)
Much luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, and Mimi
Well Archie, you sure have the cuteness market cornered. And good good job with your toys; Scarlet recommends picking them up with your mouth and shake them wildly if they misbehave.
Pugs & Kisses Sweet Boy ♥
Meredith & Scarlet
ahhhhhh archie!
You are too cute! You have such a busy life! make sure you take lots of naps ♥
oh a trainer we have here =0P you are such a cutie pie!
Archie...I just want to snuggle up right beside you and I really don't like doing that with other doggies!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
what a sweetie!
OMG SLEEPING PUG PUPPY! *gasp* MELT. Oh Archie...you KILL us.
oh my goodness, you have no idea how much I want a pug puppy now! Archie you are too freaking cute and Melissa you are so mean lol
I sent the blog link to my husband to maybe convince that I need a 3rd pug but I don't think it worked out so well.
Oh well.. I remember the day that puppy Indy and about 3 toys fit into her little bed without touching! Fun memories!
Oh, Archie Pants - you are just so cute - the MOmster wants to cuddle with you too.
Have a great week and keep those toys in line.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
archie pants!!! you are such a stern trainer, all business. it is good to set your expectations early in your toy relationship.
melissa, i love seeing the photos of you and sweet archie, you look so happy and so in love.
archie pants is a good name, i like to add pants to just about all of the doggie names we have. except penny, she was instantly a pot pie. :o)
SOOO incredibly CUTE!!!! Just gotta kiss that little face:
"""Sending A Big S m o o c h!!!"
Happy April 1st.
Joan and Little Janie Pug
Ohhh Archie you are so cute, I can hardly stand it!!!!! Good job training your toys!!! Gotta keep them in line!
Archie, you really are cute, I have to tell you. As for my weekend plans, they involve sitting on mom and being warm underneath a blanket or three. Not too exciting, I know, but I've caused enough excitement lately, so I'm trying to be good.
Hello Archie!
I have my toys trained very well too. They will soon learn that you are the boss!
My weekend will be spent at my grandma & grandpas. Mom & dad are going to poplar bluff MO which is four hours away & I can't come:(! But that's ok, I'm going to play with my German shepherd friend all weekend.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend Archie!
Much love!
Murphie Jo
You are just so adorable, Archie. Our mom wants to give you a smoochie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I love seeing a sleeping puppy! You are doing good at training those toys, Archie!
You're so fierce, Archie! You show Mr. Spaceman who's boss! Those photos of you training your toys made me tired; I can see why you needed a nap. That last picture you and Mommy posted is DARLING. I love how your eyelashes stick up. Love, Allison XOX
Hello Mr Archie pants!!! You sure do toe a tight line with your stuffies!
Sequoia n Tuni
You are the master of your stuffies, Archie so make sure they behave. I'm taking lessons from you because my stuffies are out of control.
There are big happenings this weekend. Momma is going to make me something tomorrow and on Sunday some are coming over to meet me. I'm off to take a nap because I need to be well rested for the weekend.
Archie pants
We cannot get enough of your cuteness. We could watch you every minute of the day. I think your toys got you all tuckerd out!
We love your pictures Archie,, oh yes,, we do! Your growing!
Hi, little Archie!
You are just the most precious little baby! It's been a LONG time since I've raised children, but I would be happy to fly out to CO and be your nanny!
Lick ya later!
Aunt Molly
Archie .. you are so cute! Almost as cute as I was when I was a pug puppy which really means something! And both of us have a mom named Melissa!
Hope you're having a good weekend!
HI hi little Archie~ you are soooo cute~~
Oh my Archie-You are so cute we cannot stand it. You are clearly already a pro at resting your chin and cuddling with your mom (two of the most important skills a pug needs)
ArchiePants, this here is your Unky Howie. I leave the toy training to AnnieBee, she likes ta hawg them anyhow. I gots my teefers all cleaned this weekend. *blows his breath in ArchiePants' face* SEe? Don't it smell minty fresh?
From Unkey Howie Pee Pugpants
Oh Melissa! That pic of you hugging sweet ArchiePants is PERFECT! You need a very special frame for that one!
S-Dog (and Laura)
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