It is me...
Now, be honest...
Do I look like a cherry tomato in my new sweater vest?

I love her!
It makes mom and Aunty Melly smile!
Tee hee!
I wonder what adventures they have planned for me this weekend! :)
What fun things are you doing?
Please leave me a note and tell me all about your plans!
I cannot wait to hear!
Well you are just the cutest cherry tomato I ever did see wee Archie, I could just scoop you up n love you forever !
What have we got planned for this weekend well I have a small shopping trip to make on Saturday and on Sunday I am off to my Moms again to spend the day with my son for my Birthday as he will be at school on my actual birthday on Monday but I am so looking forward to spending time with him again. I don't see hi that much as he is soooo busy with school work and exams so the time I do get with him is very precious to me.
I hope you have a wonderful weekend my sweet man
Momma Tea
xxx x xxx
Love all the photos!! Archie is a cutie pie in his red sweater!!
I can see the tomato resemblance. You also look a bit like my favorite fruit: an apple! Fortunately for you, both are very scrumptious and oh so sweet, just like you are :]
We hope that you have fun on all of your weekend adventures. JD, Ringo, and I might go to the beach if the weather stays warm. Yay!
Even if you do look like a cherry tomato, at least you look bright and yummy. My pawrents are taking me to the McCormick's Creek State Park tomorrow. We're going to spend the day hiking and splashing in the creeks. And then on Sunday we're going to go to Bloomington Pug Club, so I'll get to play with all my local Puggie friends. My Momma says she loves exhausting me on the weekends, because it makes me better behaved while she's at work during the week.
Have a good weekend Archie!
Cherry tomato or not, you do look cute enough to nibble on, just like Scarlet. We mean it in the most loving way ♥
I think we'll be enjoying nice long walks on this gorgeous weekend!
Meredith & Scarlet
You are a cute cherry tomato that is growing up to be a big boy tomato!
Yes Archie! You look like the sweetest tomato ever! I LOVE these photos of you with your mom and Auntie Melanie!! They really make me smile :D. I am pug sitting my grandpug Junkie this weekend!! I will have him all to myself for the whole weekend - woohoo!! We're gonna have lots of fun and wish you lived closer so you two could play together!! Btw, Happy Birthday to Momma Tea!!
Cherries and Tomatos...two of my favorite really are good enough to eat Archie!!!! Shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone, tomorrow is my barkday so i think Mom has something special planned for me...not sure what! Hope you have some great adventures this weekend!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Where's the Ranch Dressing?... OHHHH just kidding! BOL! You look so cute.
The Smushies
A very cute tomato you are! Hehe.
I think you look wonderful in your sweater!
Mom & Dad are taking me with them for a weekend getaway to a friends house, I'm very excited about playing, I've missed him since he moved. I'm sure I'll post pictures of my fun times in the car and at his house!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
You look nice and tasty, good enough to eat, my Mom says.
You make about the cutest little tomato ever!
Your pal, Pip
You are too cute. You make me want another baby pug.
Well Archie, you do look swwet enough to eat so I guess any sweet and red food applies to you in your sweater. Did you know that in China (where pugs originated) red is the color of GOOD LUCK?
Love Noodles
Cutesy cherry tomato. Evah.
Archie, you are the cutest cherry tomato puggie we have ever seen:) We love cherry tomatoes, but we don't think we would eat you, just give you lots and lots of kisses - we will let the Momster deliver the tummy rubs.
Have a great weekend.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Archie, you are even cuter than a cherry tomato . . . looks like you are fitting well into your new family!
I happen to love chewwy tomatoes , and you do wemind me of one, but I think you awe even cutew than one..I would love to give you a big smoochie kiss
I'm in love with little Archie!!!!
I think you are the cutest little baby cherry tomatoe that I ever did see! And the sweetest too.
You make us giggle when we look at you, because your soooo happy! You make us all happy!
I can tell that your mama and Aunt Melanie are about ready to gobble you up.!
We cannot get enough of your cuteness.. I can hear you giggle!
Yesterday it snowed. Today the sky is blue.. if its nice tomorrow,, I get to go for a walkie... in the forest.
hee hee hee yous do looks like a cherry tomato in your vest! But a very cute one we might add.
Oh Archie, you are the cutest little cherry tomato!
You are the cutest cherry tomato ever, Archie!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You are so cute--and getting big! Have a wonderful weekend
These were great photos Melissa...honestly, he does look like a cute little tomato in your sweater, just adorable. I love seeing your puppy pics.
Hi Melissa!
I haven't been feeling good lately, so I haven't had a chance to catch up on Archie's adventures! OMG`what an absolute cutie pie. He looks adorable in his red sweater!!!! I am so glad you are having fun with your new little sweetie!
Lots of love!
Oh Archie, you definitely look sweet enough to eat but you don't need the vest for that. You are gorgeous in the rough, sweet boy!
Sending you, your mom & your auntie BIG hugs! xoxo Diane
Sooo cute!! Archie is just the most adorable puggy, and I am so glad you (and Fred and your sis!) are enjoying him, Melissa!!
XO Tiffany
Archie, milk it while you can, little buddy, because all to soon you grow up. So what if you look like a cherry tomato. My mom LOVES cherry tomatoes. Your mom and auntie are smart to love you so much, you are just so darn cute!
Roxy & Lucky
We are going to the monthly Pug meetup in grafton ma this weekend. We found this meetup group on, i highly suggest anyone that owns a pug go to this website 7 find a pug meetup group near you! They are so fun, and who doesn't like to talk with fellow pug owners? Have a good weekend Archie!
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