It is me... Emmitt!
I am so excited to announce the winner of the Week 4 ~ Grub Giveaway!

We ran all the entries through and the winner is...
*Music playing ~Confetti flying ~ Balloons sailing into the air*
We are so excited for him to go home with you.
Pip, please just email us your address, and we will pop him in the mail right away.
I cannot believe 4 weeks have gone by so fast!
Thank you so much for playing with us everyone!
Please do not fret if you did not win a grub this time.
Mom will have another giveaway soon!
I promise!
Please go and say hello to them at the homes of...
Speaking of friends and homes...
A very special friend we all know and love stopped by and visited our home this week.
I cannot wait to tell you all about it tomorrow so please come back by on Friday!
Have a super day today!
Well done Mr Pip, we know you will have lots of fun with your lovely grub (ha ha, that saying has an entirely different meaning where we live - pertaining to nummies!)
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx
Congrats to Mr. Pip!! We are sure that he will love his grub as much as we love ours!!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Congrats to Mr. Pip - his new grub will have a wonderful home with that sweet pup.
We wonder who came to visit = we will be back tomorrow to find out.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hoooooooray! Mr. Pip!!!!! You will adore your grub----they are delicious! Congrats xoxoxoxoxo
Mitzu and Lauren
Newman said he decided he didn't really like blue, yellow and red after all and that Mr. Pip is sure to enjoy his grub!
Ok Mr. Pip, I guess this means it's on!!!
Woo are so khorrekht!
We khan't believe it has been four weeks already as well!
Khongrats to all your winners!
Khyra and Khousin Merdie
Congrats Mr Pip!
Nice little collection you've got going there, Emmitt!
I WON!!! I am very excited!!! Thanks so much! Now, I will l have to send you my top secret location so you can send it to me. But you must not reveal my location ...
Your fugitive pal, Pip
Yeah for all the Grubs...they have great homes now with fun dogs to play with!
Yay Mr. Pip!! w00t!!! *puggy wave*
Yeaaaa to Mr Pip for winning!
Yeaaaaa the grubs have happy homes
Congratulations to Mr. Pip!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh my Goodnessessess's!!!
hee hees!!
Pippy Wippy wons!!
Okay's... how much cash did he's send yous!! SNORTS!!
Congratulations to Pip!!!
Yous will loves yous Grub Man!!
We's loves ours!!!
M & E did great job wits 'da contest!!!! Thank you to them!!!
IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man
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