Happy Tuesday everyone!
If this is your first time reading about the Giveaway, please click here to read all about it and just leave a comment on this post to enter to win!
A grub of your choice (not including the chap with the light blue face, red body and aqua bottom one that went home to Those Elgin Pugs last week) will be yours if your name is picked.
Here they are with their new grub pal!

The winner will be announced this Thursday, August 5th!
Thank you so much for playing with us!
Have a super day!
m & e
They are all adorable, but I think my favorite is the one with the brown head!
Your pal, Pip
It is nice how each of them has a distinguishing feature, nose, eyes, mouth, coloring. Of course the Momster loves anything with blue.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Those grubs are just so cute and we read about how much fun Anakin, Josie & Izzy are having with theirs!
Keeping our paws crossed :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
I think these little grubs are the next best thing to foodables Emmitt!!!! I think they are the cuterest - W00t!!!! You know what? I bet they are mighty tasty too tho - hee hee hee!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Oh these little guys are charming.
Newman said he can't wait to win!
hee-hee, just looking at those little grub dolls puts a smile on my face. Great work Melissa.
These absolutely make me smile! I love that your mom misunderstood! These are too cute!!!! Mitzu snorts that she really likes pink and brown, but also the green one!
Oh we's loves our Grubs soooo much!!!
He was mad wits soooo much loves!!
Thanks again Melissa and Emmitt!!!
Big Big Hugs to Yous both!!!!
Izzy, Josie and Anakin Man
the pups are drooling over these cute little guys. JD is a fan of the little orange and green grub because the colors remind him of his favorite season, fall! I think Ringo agrees. We'd love to be entered in Emmitt's sweet giveaway :]
pug love- Jess, JD, & Ringo
He was made wits so much loves...
not mad.. hee hees.. Josie sorry for typo..
The Grub looks super happy with his new friends! The girls wonder if they are part veggie? :)
Sequoia Tuni and Jenn
Ohhh they are so cute!
Hey, cool, a grub! We was wonderings where dose Elgin puggies got dere grubbies! Count us in!
Klaus & Natty
P.S. Happy be lateds birfday, Emmitt! We's just found your bloggy!
Those grubs are so much cuter than the real ones!!!!
Those are Beutifully Grubs,
We love the Pink & Purple One's
Spongy & Licky
Little grubbys
like to talk to the trees,
and ride in bubbles
and eat popcorn,
and nannas,,,,
just like me
OMD They is bee-Yoo-Ti-Fool, I likes the one with the brown head bestest
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