Friday, July 23, 2010

The MerPug Doll

Happy Friday everyone!
I am so excited to show you my latest doll from Karen Cruz in Guam!
It is a MerPug and her baby!

Look how fabulous the beading and hand painted colors are!

Karen makes these all by hand from her original patterns.
She has a new blog, Paddywak Pugs, to show us her process and share her life with us!
Please stop by and say hello!
I know she would love to meet and hear from you!

I cannot wait to for her newest collection to be posted in her ebay store so I can get another one!

I think the MerPugs and the Seahorse Pug look so cute together on my sofa!
Joy! Joy! Joy!

What fun things do you have planned this weekend?
Please leave us a comment and let us know! We cannot wait to hear all about it!
m & e


Sketching with Dogs said...

Wow, that is so unusual and so very beautiful. Karen's pugs are incredible.
Wags, Dip Bridge and Elliot xx

Duke said...

How beautiful! Karen does awesome work!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Punchbugpug said...

Wow, awesome!!! LOVE IT!!! Heh, love your sofa too!!! I bet it hides Pug hair!!!!

The furry girls here are going to the Funflower Sisters Campout. Not sure what Marty has planned. I am sewing/painting tonight, then off to camp tomarrow afternoon and back home for a transport leg on Sunday!

Have a great weekend.

Salinger The Pug said...

WOW! We had to read your bloggie to find out what the heck a MER-PUG is!!! That is some CUTE inter-species handiwork!

We're so sorry that we're behind with your bloggie!!! Mom has been busier than a one legged man in a butt kicking contest and when she's not busy, she's kvetching about the heat. We're getting caught up NOW!

Glad you had a great trip!


Stubby said...

Hi Melissa & Emmitt! I love the MerPug. How very creative Karen is. Her handiwork is very beautiful.

I don't have much planned for the weekend because it's suppose to be about 2,000 degrees with 200% humidity. That combination means Stubby is house bound with the ac on full blast.

Stubby xoxo

Ritobear said...

How beautiful and original! Love it!

Candace Trew Camling said...

oh my gosh! These are so funny!!! I am now a Mer-Pug fan for life!

Mare said...

Oh Melissa, i LOVE your new pug dolls...I am crazy about dolls anyway (pretty much because i am still a kid in many ways! ;) but especially rag dolls and very unusual handmade art dolls..Those are just Lovely!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great stuff!

Thanks fur sharing!

Fur some reason, our favourite from the post is the owl!


Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh My Goodness!!

I love her!! She is adorable!! What a sweet doll!!
I am headed to that bloggy right now!!!!


Pug Momma

JJ Lynne said...

I love this unique and beautiful pug dolls that you are always finding. They're unlike anything I've ever seen!

Hope you and Emmitt have a great weekend.

Pug hugs :]

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The merpug is so nice. Nice sea theme going there.

We are just sleeping our weekend away in the a/c instead of playing in the heat. The humans are going to an outdoor theater tonight to see "Dream Girls" -going to be a hot one.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Hank said...

Melissa, honey.....well, um, I don't have much of a opinion on dolls, but mom an' O'Mally like 'em!

BriannaBlueStudio said...

Wow! So unique! What a creative depiction of pugs-love her work1

Tweedles -- that's me said...

ohhhhhh do we ever love the Murpug and Seahorse pug.
That is so cool.
Karen is so creative and does beautiful work! We love the expressions on their faces and their hand and tail,,, love it all.

well right now we have no water, cause a wire fell between the house and the pump house,,,, so now we are dirty birds