Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Emmitt is Pugtastic!

Emmitt wants to thank everyone for their nice comments and is so happy that everyone got treats on him this weekend.

Sophie, Dixie and their mom made Emmitt this wonderful magazine cover award for winning the SNPM contest and gave Emmitt permission to post it over on our blog. Thank you so much for sharing your art!

Oooo! I hear something...
Ah! Emmitt has put on his SuperPug suit and is "football baby" running, running down the hall gaining speed... he has popped out his doggy door and is up, up and away.

He just heard there is a new contest starting on Ladypug Mugs Blog! Check it out!

Emmitt is flying in loopdy loops telling every doggy he knows. Come and play!


Unknown said...

Howie is very proud of Emmitt. Howie said he will wear his superman underoos today in honor of his famous colorado superbuddy.

Anonymous said...

Emmitt IS pugtastic! What a cutie pie!


Unknown said...

Haha - I'm so glad Emmitt is so excited about the next contest! Thanks for linking to it - I'm getting a lot of good feedback so far!

Clover said...

Hi Emmitt!
You ARE pugtastic. You look great as a superhero!
Love Clover xo

Too Cute Pugs said...

Yay Emmitt! Congratulations on winning!

We're excited about the new contest too.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Fannie said...

Congrats, Emmitt!

Frances Louise said...

It's a bird! It's a plane! It's Super-Emmitt!

artpaw said...

congrats Emmitt! What sort of super-powers do you have besides flying? I would guess x-ray eyes?

Nevis said...


Lisa M Griffin said...

That is adorable! What a cute Super Pug. =)

Manon said...

Emmitt is a superstar!!!! What a great cover.... love it!!

Duke said...

We just love that picture! What a cutie!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Devil Dog said...

We are going to do the new challenge. What a great cover for Emmitt.


Candace Trew Camling said...

cute stuff!! I love the magazine cover. What a superstar.

Unknown said...

Ha ha - that photo of superEmmitt is too much!!! Thanks for the laughs and the smiles, Melissa. I can never have too much of that!