Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sweets in September Giveaway ~ Week 2

Happy Tuesday everyone!
It is me...

Thank you so much for playing in week 2 of my "Sweets in September Giveaway"!

If this is your first time hearing about the contest... please click here to learn all about it. :)

We are so excited that Newman loves his donut that he won in Week 1!
Look how cute!
We can tell how much he is enjoying it!
We are doubly tickled to find out that it arrived on his "Gotcha Day"!
How fun is that?
Please pop by and say hello to Newman. I know he would love to meet you!

If you would like a chance to win one of these yummy crocheted donuts (with extra fiber), all you have to do is leave us a comment today.

We will run all the entries through randomizer.org and announce a winner on Thursday, Sept. 16th!

Thank you so much for playing with us!

You make our world a very fun place to be!

Have a super day!




The Daily Pip said...

I'm BAAAAACCCKKKK! I love the donuts!

Your pal, Pip

Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Newman is just adorable!!! Those donuts still look delicious :)

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

The WriggleButts said...

Love the pix of the happy winner!

Rudelle said...

Hi Melissa and Emmitt,

I just love your crocheted items, Melissa! ....donuts, sweaters for furry friends and sisters! You are really a multi-media artist and I can't wait to see your next idea come to life! Keep them coming!

Pug hugs,

Lisa M Griffin said...

Ahhh I love that it is a kitty toy too!

Corbin said...

Yum! Those donuts look awesome!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Newman really seems to be enjoying his prize. Those donuts look even tastier to us this week.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Laura said...

Newman loves his doughnut so much, Emmitt! He tries to put his head through the hole! Silly cat! Thanks again.

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Wesa so would likes to win a donuts toy. Please put us in the contest...wesa hopes we win one of 'dems.
Pug luvs and hugs,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Nancy at the Farm said...

Who knew a kat would like a donut? We would love a donut, yes we would!

Love, Dozer and Cooper

Nancy at the Farm said...

Who knew a kat would like a donut? We would love a donut, yes we would!

Love, Dozer and Cooper

Anonymous said...

We were so surprised to see the winner was a kitty. Have fun with your donut, Newman!

Love, Allison and Mojo

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh's we's sign up's for contest!!!

Nommy donuts!!!

IzZY, Josie and Anakin Man

Those Elgin Pugs said...

good day donut contest peoples..

We woulds like to sign ups again for 'dis... Ehem This most {get 'da dictionary Josie) exuberant contests...

Okay then...
signing out...

Fluffy, Trixie and Spike Man

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

Yay Newman!!!! Super cute!

~The Monster Crew

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Krispy Kreams got nothings on these donuts!!

We wanted to know if you needed us to email any pictures of Tuni in her sweater vest.

Sequoia and Tuni

Duke said...

How neat that Newman's donut arrived on his special day! It was meant to be!
Our paws are crossed that we win the next one!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Ruby Bleu said...

I think Newman is on a sugar high - BOL!!!!

Lots of Licks, ruby

Puglette said...

aww, newman is so cute with his donut!! i always love seeing the doggies in their vests and all the winners with their prizes. melissa, please leave us out of the drawing...or add a local rescue instead of us. ;o) we have lots of toys!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Two of my furry favourite things: sweets and khytties!



Punchbugpug said...

KiKi told me she really wants a donut to chew on!

Chicas Libelulas said...

Wow Donuts!!!!!!
We Love them!!!
THey look super duper yummy!
Spongy & Licky

Vito and Gina said...

I really really want a donut! Pick me, pick me!

Vito the Hungry Pug
(Mom's note: Vito does not realize these are not real donuts and I don't plan to break his heart by telling him)

JJ Lynne said...

JD loves nibbling on his Nana's donut when she has one, so he is so happy that he has a few more chances to enter!

We will be sure to go and visit Newman soon, since we always love making new friends :]

love- Jess, JD, and Ringo

Simply Pug said...

OMG! We heard about this contest from Tuni! They look mighty delicious - those donuts. This is our first time hearing about the contest and the first time pawing through your bloggie!
~Baby and Lucy the Pugs from Florida

Tweedles -- that's me said...

That donut would be a wonderful prezzie to play with..... look at everyone lining up!

Winston Wilbur said...

Holy smokes those looks so delicious I could eats them! Um Mum I am craving donuts all of a suddens!


Southern Fried Pugs said...

ADORABLE! Sign us up!