Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Emmitt in his Pug Sweater!

Hi Everyone!

Emmitt here!

I am so excited! My momma finished crocheting my pug sweater!

She made it without a pattern, so don't laugh. :)

Look! I have a pug on my back!
Hopefully, people will not try and feed him and will feed me instead!

... and here is the front!

The bobbles look delicious don't they?

Well, they are not! Phooey! I tried to lick one. They are full of fiber... mom calls it Wool and not for eating. Darn!

This is me after too much fiber... hahahahahhaha!

Here are a whole bunch of shots mom kept snapping...

Here I am singing and below is a video of me practicing for project dogway.
I am perfecting my singing and walking for the talent and catwalk... I mean dogwalk categories.

What do you think?

Do I have a chance to win?




Duke said...

Your new sweater is gorgeous, Emmitt, and you are the perfect fashion model for project dogway! Your mom is so super talented to be able to create this without a pattern!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Cocorue said...

looooove your think you can convince your mumsy to knit one for me????

just love it

The WriggleButts said...

I can sing like that, too, Emmitt! And you're looking great in your sweater!


Paula said...

Oh Emmitt, you are just to darn cute. Your pug sweater looks adorable on you. You will win at Project Dogway!

agent99 said...

Emmitt - you are the awesomest model, you'd kick some pug-butt on Project Dayway. My mom's all jealous at how cool your sweater is! She has lots of patterns for pug wear...maybe one day she'll finish something?
We don't like getting dressed here, so we think that's just fine.

Gen & the Foo

Salinger The Pug said...

Emmitt, you are looking FIERCE on that catwalk! You're a triple threat, singing, dancing and WALKING all while modeling that awesome sweater! We love it!

Is mom going to be selling these or is it a one of a kind?


Brutus, Ellie, Pippa and Otto said...

Your new sweater is pawsome. You have such a handy mom to make you a cool sweater like that!

Pugs & Kisses,

Yoda & Brutus

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is just great, Emmitt. You did a great job on the runway and you are even a singing model. That pug on your back will be a trick way for you to get some extra scritchies:)

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Hank said...

Emmitt, buddy......nice sweater! Me an' you should git tuhgether some time fer some singin'.

PS You DON'T wanna see a pitcher o' ME after too much fiber.

Harry Pugalicious said...

We loves the sweater, Emmitt! You's a really good model too. I know you makes your mom proud! Nice singing too! Your family sure has lots of talent!

Ruth Welter said...

Ow Melissa...Emmitt looks adorable in his new sweater. You are so gifted to have made something so beautiful for him. Just wonderful.


Resweater said...

That was just adorable!... the sweater, the song, and of course Emmitt! :)

Laura said...

You look pawsome, Emmitt! And it looks like there is even room for your belly to expand, so get on those treats!

Kelly said...

Emmitt, you look DASHING in the new sweater! I can't believe your mom did that without a pattern!

I think you are a front-runner in the dogwalk competition. The singing while walking just can't be outdone!

Ruby Bleu said... look so handsome!!!! You could win paws down!!! Blue is your color for sure!

Lots of licks, Ruby

Unknown said...

Hi Melissa....

these photos are so cute!!!! You always make my day with your posts!!!


Stubby said...

Hi Emmitt! You are rocking that sweater on the dogwalk! I can't believe how cool the sweater came out. Now that I see how great it looks on you, I want one.

If all of us had sweaters, we could do a virtual dog fashion show. Work it Emmitt, work it!

Stubby xoxo

Winston Wilbur said...

OMD you look so handsome. At least you look respectable unlike me when mum put on my devil halloween costume! You are going to attract a lot of girl puggies in that sweater.


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

great sweather - what a beautiful job your mommy did

we will vote for you on project dogway!!

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Unknown said...

Aaaaah... what a great momma you have! She must love you very VERY much! I loved hearing you sing your love and gratitude to her.

Anonymous said...

You look adorable in your new sweater Emmitt!! But it almost looks like you have a grumpy face in your head shots. :)

artpaw said...


Too Cute Pugs said...

We love your new sweater? But we were wondering - are you sure you're not a bird? You make lovely birdy noises!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Frances Louise said...

Emmitt -- you look positively smashing in that sweater. Have you considered working as a puggy model? Just remember not to be one of those silly stick-thin models that don't eat . . .

Rosie said...

OMDOG that is a fantastic sweater - warm too for those CO winters. Your mom is such a talent EMMITT!

Nevis said...

I love the part on the front...! It is very "Sargent Pepper"! :)

Manon said...

OMG.... that is soooooo cute!!

Puglette said...

oh, emmitt! i just love your new sweater, is it nice and snuggly? you are the best model ever!

PUGinbucharest said...

hi from romania

Dana Orsborn said...

The sweater looks great
on Emmitt! He is workin
it like a sexy pug machine.
I think Penny now has a
crush on him after
watching this

Dana & Penny

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh Emmitt!

That is just SOOOOO khute!

The kholour is pawesome fur woo!

I hope woo got that walk!


dw said...

Emmitt looks so adorable in his pug sweater!!! I love the tailview pic!! Oh, and Emmitt, yeah, wool isn't very good to eat -- try asking your mom for a real treat!!

Lisa said...

Wicked Cute! (That means very cute, in case none of you understand Boston talk) I would love to see my little Lenny in one. This morning I came downstairs & he was shivering :(

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

Perfect sweater and its healthy thats a plus hehe! Perfect cat walk too Emmitt!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi cutie Emmittm
you are sooo adorable in that blue sweater! Yes , you could win project dogwalk for sure! We would vote for you! Tell your mom to keep those photos coming, cause we love to see you!
That sweater could become a very popular item for pugs. I just KNOW IT.
Wish I had one. It is too pecious.
Sorry the little bobbetts were not eatable. I would be disapointed too,
Your mama is AWSOME

Peng Peng said...

OMG!! Emmitt has outdone himself in the cute department!

Amy V said...

Do you have a knitting pattern for this sweater? It is too cute but I don't know how to crochet!!

Anonymous said...

I love it! Very handsome!!!

Okayest Epidemiologist said...

Emmitt, you are the epitome of adorable! Also, tell your momma good work on the sweater! It's priceless, just like the expression on your face!