Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sun Square Sightings in South Africa

How exciting!

I just received the Knit-A-Square August newsletter, and I spotted my sun squares that I sent off in June 2009.

They have already been made into blankets for the children!

It is so wonderful to see them again mixed and matched with so many other squares from all over the world.

It is amazing how many pictures the Knit-A-Square group is able to share with all of us. Not only do they receive, organize and sew together thousands of squares each month, but they also write an extensive newsletter, update the website, interact on the forum and create fun challenges for us to contribute to each month.

The love, dedication and passion they put into this project is truly inspiring!
My first "Go-Over" sweater for the September challenge is coming along nicely. I will have something to show you very soon!


Manon said...

You should feel proud Melissa! I'm proud of you girlfriend! You do so many wonderful things!!


C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

You do such great things with your talents - you are very inspiring!! I am determined to participate in something like this this year.
Also, your previous post on senior dogs was really touching, and brought tears to my eyes. Emmitt is one special guy, and we are so glad that we are friends!
Love Jess & Clove xo

Nevis said...

That is SO awesome, Melissa!!!

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

So incredible - we are truly amazed by this effort

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

How exciting to see your squares in a finished piece. The bright colors are so pretty and really show off your squares.

Too Cute Pugs said...

Wow! How great is that? You're so inspirational with all the good things you do!

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Mia said...

That's great Melissa!!! You should be so proud of all the work you do for other. We are blessed that you let us be a part of your world.

Lilo & Jess

Anonymous said...

Those are so neat. :) You should make cloud squares next

Unknown said...

Holy Smokies!! Melissa you have been so busy with these wonderful pieces!!! wonderful work!!!


Unknown said...

Cool. Your squares look wonderful in their new surroundings!

Duke said...

Your sun squares look great in the blankie, Melissa! How exciting this is!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Mare said...

Melissa, thank you for sharing this site with us all. I have been checking it out and think i will get involved too. It seems to be such a great organization! I learn so much from you my friend...

GAIL said...

Look how your's just pop out!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Melissa I know it must feel like such a feeling to see you squares among all the others!
Such a big heart you have.
Mom was talking about you today at her workie to people at lunch, and how you give so much to those in need.
you are the worlds friend.