Monday, September 17, 2012

22 Year Rewind ~ My Very First Crochet Project is Now Vinatge!

Happy Monday everyone!
I have a super FUN thing to share with you today!
This Granny Square afghan is the VERY FIRST thing I ever crocheted!
My wonderful journey into crochet all started one Fall day in 1990 when I walked to LeeWards Craft Store in Ann Arbor, MI (now Michael's) and found a crochet kit on the shelf.
Before that day, I had not really thought much about crochet or even knew what it was. :)
I thought everything woven was either knitted on needles or made on a loom of some sort. :)
Finding this kit on the shelf, complete with the colorful yarn inside is the project that inspired me to buy a crochet hook and a book & to patiently teach myself how to crochet!

I remember making each square and enjoying every stitch as I learned how to hold the hook and master the granny square formation.
When it was all done, I was so proud of my accomplishment and could not wait to share it with the closest person in my heart... my twin sister, Melanie.
She has loved it all of these years and moved it across the country and kept in in perfect condition.
As a wonderful gift, she decided to surprise me with it and offered to have it live at my house so I could enjoy it too!
I had not really held it in most of those 22 years as she had it perfectly folded and on display at her house. :)
When I opened it up and held it, my arms got all tingly and happy!
Just think... this project was the first step in a long journey of learning, creating, dreaming, sharing and FUN for me.
Thank you Melly for sharing it again with me as I now have it in my craft room to enjoy everyday and remind me of the love with which it was made and shared.
Once again I am reminded with a hug and a smile that...
Life is Art... Art is Life!
Melissa & R-Chee


Elgor82 said...

That is awesome your sister kept it all of these years! My grandmother taught me to crochet when I was a teenager and our first project was a granny square pillow. I gave it to my mother for Christmas that year ... I wonder what happened to it???

Pug Hugs, Ellen

What Remains Now said...

What a treasure! This is an ambitious and beautifully executed first project! Speaking of Granny Squares...I must begin our Blogville Ladies Crochet Society project. I'm so happy that you have this to enjoy. Was 1990 really 22 years ago? Yikes!

Currie Silver said...

what a wonderful story!! I canNOT imagine what it would BE like to revisit some of my art that I did over 30 years ago. I left it all BEhind when I left Sedona to move to Florida.

you have reminded me of those times and the way I felt. that is a gift. a great gift for which I thank you!!

carol l mckenna said...

Heart warming story and your doggie is adorable ~ Lovely afghan ~ beautifully done and as you say it was a wonderful beginning of your creative process ~ (A Creative Harbor)

Meredith LeBlanc said...

What a beautiful thing, and so wonderful that Melanie has cherished it this whole time!

Scarlet & Meredith

tubby3pug said...

That was your FIRST project! You are so amazingly talented. Mom's first knitting project went right into the trash heap and her first completed scarf is not too much better. Maybe in 20 years she will be able to knit and crochet almost as good as you

urban hounds

tubby3pug said...

PS-We adore Weasley's sweaters and we promise to post pictures when it gets colder up here

urban hounds

Dandy Duke said...

What a great story and a beautiful afghan, Melissa!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Tweedles -- that's me said...

The afghan is beautiful! I can imagine how thrilled you were to see it again and now share some time with it too.
Seeing the afghan took me back many years too- I cannot believe it- but once upon a time- long ago- I knew how to do that granny square.

Your afghan is full of love- and the love that you and Mellie have together is special- just like the afghan.
A special journey for sure is where the afghan has led you- now over hills and mountains, oceans, and into other worlds.
That special little hook and kit you bought- well I just bet it knew it would be so cherished.
We love the photos.
You are Archie are so cute!

Léa L said...

So beautiful! I like "crochet"

See you soon on my blog, Léa