Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thanking our Troops One Rectangle at a Time

Hi everyone!

It is me....

I am so excited to show you the first rectangles I helped my mom make for our troops to welcome them home and keep them warm.

We made seven 6x9 rectangles for The Handmade Afghan Project.

These rectangles will be joined with others made with love from all over the country to create warmth and love for our troops as a huge thank you for everything they do!

We tied them together with a tiny heart from Lucy of Attic 24's wonderful pattern!

My mom and I love projects that combine the work of hundreds of people to make a difference.

We can all do one small thing everyday to make someone smile and brighten their day.

Try smiling at someone today as you pass them and enjoy the smile you get in return.

We can all make a difference one smile, square, rectangle or teddy bear at a time!

What is your favorite way to share a random act of kindness?

Please leave us a note and let us know!

We would love to do it too!


Archie Pants


Meredith LeBlanc said...


Archie, I'm sure you are an excellent helper, thank you for being such a shining light.

Scarlet & I like to pick up trash on our morning walks to help keep Mother Earth happy.

Meredith & Scarlet

Ritaestelle said...

Archie, you, your mom and your whole family are AMAZING!!!! Thank you for sharing the LOVE <3

Too Cute Pugs said...

We love your squares! How thoughtful and kind.

Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy

Sequoia & Petunia & Emma said...

So sweet you two are sending those squares out to the troops. Archie pants Mom says the best way to share kindness is to just listen to others. She lets her patients talk to her and she listens even if its not related to why their healthcare and her job. Sometimes people just need an person to share things with.

Hugs cute Archie Pants!

Dandy Duke said...

What a beautiful afghan this will be with all of the little hearts tying it together!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Archie Pants,, you and your mama's heart is so caring,and loving.
This is such a wonderful way to let them know how much they are appreciated.
I am learning that everyone needs to feel that,,, With each stitch,you are spreading the word that the troops are so appreciated.
Thank you for all you do

marianne said...

Everything must be so much more fun having a helper like Archie around :)
How sweet of you to knit all these squares

Have a nice day♥

Sketching with Dogs said...

What a wonderful thing to do, I'm sure it's much appreciated - there are few things in life that beat being snuggled up in a blankie.
You are such a kind, giving person Melissa.
Lynne xx