Hi everyone! Emmitt here taking a short break from PartyPalooza 2009 to tell you about the winners of the Valentino Most Fashionable Pug Contest.
Although I did not win, I did make it onto the poster displayed in a New York Theater! I am the handsome one in the center wearing the tie. :)
Winston and Clemmy shared this photo with me! Thank so much guys!
They are on there too with Mason and Lizzy, Salinger and I know more of our blogging friends!
Click Here to meet the lucky winners!
My pawrents and aunt Melanie are on their way today to the Seattle Pug Party. We still have the whole weekend to party! Lots of food and fun to be had!
Please leave a comment and come on by!
Congrats to Emmitt for making it on the poster! So many adorable pugs but Emmitt was my favorite!
Wow congrats on that handsome shot on the folder.
You just party on Emmitt!!!!
What fun! Congrats on being on the poster Emmitt. Nice photo!
Emmy you are FAMEROUS!!!!
I'm hoppin' a flight back out to Colorado today! This time, I'm bringin my fondue kit, and some board games!!!!
Congrats Emmitt!!!!
Napoleon was on there, too!
oh what a fun party!!! and how cool to be on the poster!!!
Emmitt you're so cute! Congratulations!
Pug love from,
Pearl & Daisy
Gud job, Emmitt!
Gus and Waldo
Congratulations on being so famously featured in New York. You look so dashing in that tie.
emmitt, i knew that was you! my eyes just went to the cutest pug on the poster...you! i will be sure to tell your mom that you are doing a great job of holding down the fort while she is here in seattle.
So my sister was in New York this weekend and she went to the Film Forum theater to see if she could get a better picture of the movie poster, but it had already been taken down!!! We were so sad - we really wanted a higher quality photo of our famousness. Oh well!
Khongrats on your postersized finish!
Happy Weekend too!
Congrats Emmitt! You look very handsome in that shirt and tie.
Oh, don't you just love a man in a tie! What a great shot and how much fun. Thanks for sharing Melissa and have a great weekend.
Congratualions Emmitt for entering and being featured on the poster.
That is a big honor. Look how adorable you are! I would have voted for you. You are a winner anyway!
And it is so fun hanging out with you at Partypalooza. Your such a hostess.
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