Needle Felted Pug OK... I think I can safely say that I am addicted to needle felting wool pugs! I had too much fun! I am going to the yarn store tommrow to see what wool they have.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Collage I continue to learn lots of fun things I can do with my art and photos using Photoshop Elements 4. Here is my first collage. You would not know it from looking at it, but this file has 21 layers to it. The background and textures are created from closeup photos of items around my house. I also used masking techniques and drop shadows to change the lighting and depth on each indiviual item. I had a great time!
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Needle Felting My Polar Bear I took a needle felting class yesterday. I have always wanted to learn. We had so much fun. It is amazing what you can do with a lump of wool and a needle. You basically sculpt as you stab the wool and hopefully not your fingers. I am sure there will be some wool pugs in my future.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Wallace the Pig I just finished another great cartoon pillow kit from What fun! I hand-sewed, machine sewed and hand-embroidered him.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Mini Pug Ball Just as crazy... just smaller!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Life size Crochet Pug I am so excited about this crochet pug I just finished. The pattern is the most well written I have ever seen. It is an ingenius design. You can find it and greyhound patterns at the artist's websites ...
I am often inspired to make lots of different art that is not for sale on my website, I make it because I feel a spark of inspiration that brings me joy from the concept to completion of my project. I would love to share that spark.
This is my blog.